14th July 2023

Dear Parents and Friends

It has been a wonderful week which started with the transition day on Monday, 10th July 2023.  Children spent the day with their new teachers and support staff.  It was a good opportunity for staff to share information about the new year ahead and to complete writing and art  tasks around the book ‘Incredible You ‘READ ALOUD – Incredible You – YouTube   They engaged in maths problem activities testing out their reasoning.  They loved the challenges and enthusiastically participated in group and individual work.  Do look at the attached PowerPoints, with challenges you can work on over the summer break.        EYFS               Key Stage 1               Key Stage 2 

Stem Day, Tuesday, 11th July 2023

My thanks to Mrs Steen Plomer and Mrs Winters for organising this.  It was a day full of practical activities around problem solving and application of reasoning skills.  Children had to build structures using newspaper.  Their creations were unique and very creative.  Classes presented at an assembly led by

Mrs Steen Plomer. Pupil voice indicated they had a brilliant time, displaying great team work.

Class Assemblies

Nursery performed their celebration assembly to parents, friends, KS2 siblings  and the Infant School.  They showcased their learning in all subject areas and ended their assembly with photos of when they were born and as they are now.  They danced and sang beautifully and made everyone very proud.

Nursery you certainly have grown up and I know you will continue to be brilliant next year.

Reception had their assembly on Thursday and this was another wonderful celebration.  They presented with confidence, telling us about their year and their memories.  I know everyone watching was so impressed with their confidence and learning.  Reception you are amazing, look how far you have come!  I know you will be fabulous in year 1.

We ended the week with Year 2’s leavers assembly today.  It was excellent, we were entertained to news reports from the children about their favourite memories about being in year 2.  They performed the song, ‘We are the Champions of the world’ with real energy and shared a photo montage of events over the year.  Congratulations Year 2, you are totally ready for year 3 and being in the junior school.

Google Interland On-line safety Assembly

A team from Google led an interactive assembly on how to keep safe online.  Children were asked to look at different situation and use clues to answer set challenges about online safety.  So please do speak to your child about this topic.  Keeping your child safe, particularly online is so important and you need to be up to date with latest resources.

“It was about Interland safety, how to keep safe on the internet”. “Not everything is true on the internet so we have to stay sharp”. (year 2 quotes)

“Safety online – We had challenges to find the passcode to help us stay safe online”. “It was interactive and fun and we learned about how to;  Be Internet Smart, Internet Alert, Internet Strong, Internet Kind and Internet Brave” (year 5 quotes)


Thanksgiving Mass – Wednesday, 12th July 2023

I’m pleased to announce that Mrs Stephanie Odewale will be running the HAF club commencing the week beginning 24th July 2023.  It’s always a fun filled camp with engaging activities from arts and crafts to dance and music sessions.  Please see the attached flyer and do book asap.  The flyer gives you information about the booking system and registering for a voucher code.

Thanksgiving Mass – Wednesday, 12th July 2023

It was a beautiful Mass and well attended by the whole school, past staff, Headteachers, parents and many friends of the school.  The children sang beautifully and there was a representative taking part from every stakeholder in our community. Readings, biding prayers and the offertory was led by children, staff, Governors and parents.

Thank you to everyone for making it such a wonderful memory to cherish. Special thanks has to go to Mrs Speight who has been leading hymn practice since 2022.  Her enthusiasm and energy is outstanding.  We chose children who give 100% commitment at every hymn practice, to lead the congregation with the singing and they were just simply the best!



Results to celebrate

Our KS2 SATS results were published on Tuesday and I am delighted to share that our Year 6 did extremely well.  Current information indicates that we will be in line with national averages for Reading but above for maths, writing and for pupils exceeding age related expectations and achieving greater depth standard in all areas.

Congratulations to our KS1 pupils who also achieved great KS1 SATS results and to those in Year 1 and Year 2 who took the phonics screening test.  Our Year 4 pupils completed an online multiplication test in June and their overall average point score was 21 out of25.

Fantastic results to celebrate. My thanks to all staff who have worked hard and encouraged the children to ‘aim high and dream big’  Well done everyone.

Next week is the last week of term and we will be finishing on Thursday, 20th July at 1.30 p.m.  I look forward to seeing you and will get a chance to see you all before we break up.

RE News

‘The seed that falls on good ground will yield a fruitful harvest’

Sunday Mass Readings for July 9th  2023, Fouteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A
1st Reading Isaiah 55:10-11
Responsorial Psalm Psalms 65:10, 11, 12-13, 14
2nd Reading Romans 8:18-23
Gospel  Matthew 11:25-30



Merit certificates this week go to the whole school for being amazing pupils who show resilience, kindness and always do us proud.

Thank you

Have a wonderful weekend and I look forward to seeing you around the school next week.
This weeks photo montage


Mrs Fernandes



Future Dates

Summer 2 Term

July 2023

17.7.23  –   Reception trip – Battersea park/zoo

17.07.23 –  Year 6 Production 5.30 p.m. (junior hall)

19.07.23 – Year 6 leavers Mass 5.30 p.m. (junior hall)

20.07.23 – END OF TERM 1.30 p.m.