Staffing & Governance
- Ms Z Zorokong – Chair of Governors, Safeguarding (Local Authority Governor)
- Mrs D Ashley – Headteacher
- Mr R Teague – Foundation Governor
- Mrs G Isamah-Opene – Foundation Governor
- Mrs M Winters – Staff Governor
- Mrs Y Epale – Foundation Governor
- Ms Z Zorokong (Local Authority Governor)
- Mrs Amanda Agard (Associate Member)
- Mr Brian Mahon Ball (Parent Governor)
- Ms Noella Wete (parent Governor)
For queries regarding the Governing Body, including how to become a Governor, the Chair of Governors can be contacted via the school office.
Alternatively, you may write to the chair at St Joseph’s Junior School, Woodend, London, SE19 3NU.
As a Federation, we have one Governing Board for two schools; each school, therefore, has its own DFE number and reports its educational and financial results separately
Associate-Members (Non-voting)
Mrs V McMillan, Music Teacher (Retired), BA
Clerk to the Governing Board
- Nadina Bedlow (Octavo Clerking Service)
The Clerk can be contacted by emailing [email protected]
- Further information
Senior Leadership Team
- Mrs D Ashley, Headteacher FCCT, CMI
- Mrs K Mapp-Nwosu, Assistant Headteacher BA Hons
- Mrs M Tope, Acting Assistant Headteacher (Maternity Leave)
- Miss K Lodge, Head of Inclusion Assistant Headteacher
- Mrs A Delpratt, School Business Manager
The senior leadership team can be contacted via the school office
Administration Team
- Mrs M Johnson, Office Manager
- Ms S Matharu, Admin Officer
- Mrs A Rizzi , Nursery
- Miss M Hayter, Year R
- Miss J Swain, Year R EYFS and Phonics Lead
- Miss E Burroughs, Year 1
- Mrs K Mapp-Nwosu / Mrs K Foley-BrownYear 1
- Miss N Bickmore, Year 2 and English Lead
- Miss F Langford Jackson, Year 2 and Maths Lead
- Mrs B Daniels, Year 3
- Miss D Arthur, Year 3
- Mrs M Steen-Plomer, Year 4 Science Lead
- Mrs C Phillips, Year 4 RE Lead
- Mr S Abrahams, Year 5 PE Lead
- Mrs F Langford Jackson and , Year 5
- Miss K Lodge and Mrs C La Touche Maths Lead, Year 6,
- Mrs M Winters, Year 6, Assessment and History Lead
- Mrs M Mangan, PE Specialist Teacher
Higher Level Teaching Assistants
- Miss C Allery, HLTA
Inclusion Team
- Miss K Lodge, Head of Inclusion
- Mr M Abubaka, SENDCo
- Mrs F Langford Jackson Assistant SENDCo
- Mrs K Foley Brown, ELSA
- Mrs K Power, Speech and Language
- Mrs A Rizzi, Speech and Language
Infant Teaching Assistants
- Mrs A Rizzi, Nursery
- Mrs J Landy-Freitas, Nursery
- Mrs F Sclafani, EYFS
- Mrs M Kelly, Nursery and Early Years
- Mrs C Mulhern, Nursery and Early Years
- Mrs J James, Year 1
- Mrs A Pelliccia, Reception
- Mrs K Foley-Brown, Key Stage 1 and EYFS
- Mrs D Mitchell, Year 1
- , Year 1/2
- Mrs C DeJesus and Ms P Woodhouse, Year 2
Junior Teaching Assistants
- Mrs K Foley-Brown, Key Stage 1 and 2
- Mrs N Parry, Year 3
- Mrs A Luri, Maths Interventions and Year 3
- Mrs U Madine year 4
- Ms S Marshall, Year 4
- Mrs M Lopeman year 5
- Mrs C Oliver, Year 5
- Mrs P Hudson, Year 5
- Mrs T Kelleher, Year 5/6
- Mrs K Power, Year 6
- Mrs T Burgess, Year 6
Infant Midday Supervisors
Midday Supervisors
- Mrs C Mulhern
- Mrs D Mitchell
- Mrs M Veneri
- Mrs U Madine
- Mrs J Clements
- Mrs P Hudson Senior Midday Supervisor
- Mrs F Sclafani
- Ms P woodhouse
Junior Midday Supervisors
- Miss S Marshall, Senior Midday Supervisor
- Miss K Smith
- Mrs K Adkin
- Mrs M Mullings
- Mrs A Luri
Site Supervision Staff
- Mr Jose Ivo Teles, Site Manager
- Mr P McEvoy, Caretaker
- Mr S Picoe, Premises Operative
Catering Staff
- Pabulum Catering Limited