Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

We welcome all children into our Federation and we pride ourselves on providing them with a nurturing, inclusive educational environment in which to learn and develop.

Jesus ensures we understand that children are important and we use His example to ensure that children are at the heart of what we do. Our pastoral care is a strength and we do all we can to remove barriers for learning children may face.

Our teaching team has a high level of experience and we know that some children have barriers to

learning that mean they have special needs or a disability that requires us to take particular action.

We aim to ensure all children develop from their starting points and make adaptations to enable children to make progress both academically and socially. We draw on external support when necessary and carry out research to hone our practice.

Miss Kayleigh Lodge, Head of Inclusion

Mrs F Langford-Jackson Acting SENDCo

0208 653 7195 or 0208 670 2385

[email protected]