9th June 2023

Dear Parents and Friends

Welcome back to the final term of this academic year.  The year has flown by and it’s difficult to believe that I will be retiring in July and I hope that you will join me at a Thanksgiving Mass on Wednesday, 12th July 2023 at 1.30 p.m. at Virgo Fidelis Church.  The Mass will be to celebrate everything we have achieved as a strong community and to give thanks for our many blessings.

It is going to be a busy term so please do add all future dates to your diary.  It is an important term for all the children as they recap over this year’s learning whilst preparing  for their transition to their new classes in September.  Transition day will be Monday, 10th July and you will have an opportunity to meet your child’s new teacher.  It is important that children are not taken out of school before the end of term.

1st Holy Communion Mass celebration – Wednesday, 14th June 2023 at 9.10 a.m.

This Mass will be celebrated in the Junior School Hall.  We would like children who have made their 1St Holy Communion this year to come dressed in their special Communion outfits and take an active part in our School Mass.  Parents, carers and friends are warmly invited to attend.

Congratulations newly weds


Congratulations to Ms Veneri who got married on Saturday 27th May 2023. She looked beautiful and the day was full of wonderful memories to cherish.

School Games Day – Friday, 26th May 2023

This was one of the best days of the school year and a pleasure to see so many families picnicking on the school field and everyone enjoying themselves.  One of our parents had an excellent idea to take a photograph of each house team with children across the school.  Once we have a definite date, I will share it with you in advance so that children can come in wearing a t-shirt of their house colour and each house will celebrate their achievements.  The PTA have donated fruit ice lollies for each child.  Many thanks for this, I know the children will love it.

National Sports Stacking competition

Congratulations to Foma (Y3) for taking part in the speed stacking competition in Cambridge in May.

I’m delighted to share that he was awarded second prize in the beginners category and that he and others have qualified for the European Championships.  Well done Foma on an exceptional achievement.  Please do look at the attached PowerPoint display created by Foma with interesting information and photographs. It is amazing to watch the children speed stacking and see the wide range of skills applied.  It requires concentration, coordination and hand and eye co-ordination.  We are trying to arrange a display this term, so you can see the children in action and perhaps try speed stacking.  Details to be shared. Please click the link to see Foma’s Presentation.

My thanks to Mrs Mangan for starting this up at St Joseph’s and to Kieran (Y6) for organising the lunchtime club.  All children in KS2 are welcome and we’re hoping to start it in KS1 with some of our pupils working with the younger pupils.

New Parents meeting

Thank you to Mrs Swain, Ms Hayter, Ms Hopper and Mrs Rizzi for leading our new Nursery and Reception  parents meetings.  It was lovely to meet our new families and see so many of our existing families attend.  The children are looking forward to starting in September and beginning their new learning journey at St Joseph’s School.

Maths Quiz at Thomas Beckett

A team of six year 6 pupils represented St Joseph’s at the above competition held at Thomas Becket School on Thursday,    8th June. The standard was high and the children were brilliant, demonstrating excellent collaboration skills, working together well as a team. Unfortunately, the teams did not qualify for the finals but did an amazing job! Well done, Victoria Kieran, Savanah,  Aidan, Hiyabel,  Aaron, Chiebuka & Kyla.

Litter picker super hero

I was so impressed with Rafferty in Reception when I saw him picking up litter just outside the school gates on Thursday.  Mrs Langford Jackson and I were both walking back feeling disheartened having dealt with a parking incident. Seeing Rafferty doing this made us both smile and reminded us how brilliant our children are and such great role models to everyone, particularly adults.  Thank you, Rafferty!

Polio Phase 2 Campaign (for children aged 4 years old to 11 years old):

If your child has missed a Polio and/or MMR vaccination, you will have received a letter from NHS England. A member of the NHS Croydon School Aged Immunisation Service (SAIS) will also contact you by phone to book an appointment for the vaccination. Croydon SAIS are holding a vaccination clinic (10am-3pm) and information session on the 10th and 11th of June at St James the Great School, Windsor Road, Thornton Heath CR7 8HJ. Parent/Guardians of children aged between 4 years and 11 years old can come along if they have any questions between 12:00-14:00 and bring along the Red book or any vaccination records from abroad.

See link below for further information:


Parking in the local area

Please be respectful when parking in the local roads.  Unfortunately, a small minority of parents from our school park inconsiderately blocking drives and in residents spaces.  Owing to GDPR restrictions I cannot publish car number plates in my newsletters.  It is highly embarrassing for us as a school and does not display one of our key school values – RESPECT.  No one should have to put up with aggression or verbal abuse.  People  have every right to contact the authorities or Police when faced with this behaviour.  Thank you to those of you who behave respectfully with consideration to others.

RE News

I am the living bread that came down from heaven.

Whoever eats of this bread will live forever

Sunday Mass Readings for May 28th  2023, Seventh  Sunday of Easter, Year A
1st Reading Deuteronomy 8:2-3, 14B-16A
Responsorial Psalm Psalms 147:12-13, 14-15, 19-20
2nd Reading 1 Corinthians 10:16-17
Gospel John 6:51-58



At St Joseph’s we aim for at least 97% attendance.


Merit Certificates:

 At St Joseph’s we aim for at least 97% attendance. 

Year group  Merit Certificates  Overall Class Attendance
Nursery  Angel and Joel  89%
RH   Liam G and Liliana  98%
RP  Rebecca and Francisco  89%
1E Sarah and Izzy  97%
1S /2O Ethan and Ishmaheel  90%/91%
2J Ezekiel and Nathaneal  97%
3S Sebastian and Aniah  98%
3T Andrew and Sidona  98%
4J  Kimone and Jonathan  97%
4O  Neah Rose and Lisa  91%
5S  Emmanuel and Malachi  91%
5E Michael N and Nabiel  90%
6P  To be added Monday  92%
6H   To be added Monday  95%

Congratulations to the following classes for the highest attendance this week

Classes RH and Year 3

Mrs Fernandes


This week’s photo montage

 Future Dates

Summer 2 Term

12.06.23 – Y6 – Citizenship workshop (in school)

12.06.23 – 16.02.23 – Phonics screening

12.06.23 – 16.06.23 – Y4 Multiplication Tables Check

12.06.23 – Y6 Citizenship Workshop

15.06.23 – 2J Assembly 9.15 a.m. (All welcome)

13.06.23 – Play on the Pitch (Selhurst Park Stadium, selected Y4 pupils

14.06.23 –  School Mass (junior hall) for children who have made their 1st Holy Communion (9.10 a.m.)

14.06.23 –  Language workshop in London (selected Y2 pupils)

15.06.23 –  Y6 Chessington trip

15.06.23 – KS2 Catholic sports day (St James the Great)

19.06.23 – 23.06.23 – ‘Journey of hope & dreams’ commemorating the Windrush generation

19.06.23 – Croydon Athletics Tournament (Boys heats) 4.00 – 6.00 p.m. at Croydon Arena

20.06.23 –  Athlete mentor (motivational speaker)

21.06.23 –  Croydon Athletics Tournament (Girls heats) 4.00 – 6.00 p.m.

22.06.23 – 2O/1S Assembly 9.15 a.m. (All welcome)

22.06.23 – Panathlon Y3 & Y4 (in school with Y6 sports ambassadors)

23.06.22 –  Croydon Athletics Tournament (finals for boys/girls) 4.00 p.m. – 6.00 p.m.

23.06.23 – Year 4 Assembly   9.15 a.m. (All welcome) – Please note this is a revised date

23.06.23 – Y3 Cafod workshop in school  

24.06.23 – Colour Run (PTA event)

26.06.23 – 1E Science trip to Brockwell Gardens

27.06.23 – 2J science workshop  to Brockwell Gardens   

27.06.23 –  Reception vision screening

28.6.23 –   1E  Assembly 9.15 a.m. (All welcome)

28.06.23 –  Summer Music concert  2.00 – 3.00 p.m.

30.06.23 –    3S Assembly 9.15 a.m. (All welcome)

30.06.23 –    5,  Y5 pupils to attend Young City Poet’s recital

July 2023

03.07.23 – General Knowledge Quiz final (Oxford University)

03.07.23 – Athlete mentor workshops

06.07.23 – KS1 Catholic Athletics Tournament (Thomas Becket School)

07.07.23 – 5E Assembly 9.15 a.m. (All welcome)

10.07.23 –    Transition day for whole school (pupils to spend the day with their new teacher)

11.07.23 – Nursery Assembly 9.15 a.m. (All welcome)

12.07.23 – Thanksgiving Mass 1.30 p.m. Virgo Fidelis Church 1.30 p.m. (All welcome)

13.07.23 – Reports sent to parents

13.07.23 – Reception Assembly (All welcome)

14.07.23 – Year 2 Farewell Assembly 9.15 a.m. (All welcome)

17.7.23  –   Reception trip – Battersea park/zoo

17.07.23 –  Year 6 Production 5.30 p.m. (junior hall)

19.07.23 – Year 6 leavers Mass 5.30 p.m. (junior hall)

20.07.23 – END OF TERM 1.30 p.m.