5 November 2021

‘An evening to remember’

Our first fireworks event was held on Wednesday, 3rd November 2021 and attended by over 1,000 of our community. It was a wonderful event, the rain held off, and the fireworks were stunning. Everyone was entertained by a spectacular display of light and sound.

My thanks to the PTA and to all staff who helped on the evening. I think a special mention must be made for Katherine and Mel who led the event and spent many – volunteer – hours organising things. There was a wonderful atmosphere bringing our school community together along with local residents and other families from the wider community. It was a pleasure to see everyone enjoying themselves.

We look forward to hosting the event again next year, so do put Wednesday, 2nd November 2022 in your diary.

I would like to thank Will and his team from Phoenix Fireworks who set up the display and advised through the whole process. Our thanks also to the Cedars and Laurels for allowing us to use their sports ground, to Pandemic Steel Orchestra (our steel pan experts) for the joyful music show and to St John’s Ambulance for their support on the night.

Thank you for the many positive comments posted on the PTA’s facebook page. Here are a few to enjoy:

“A wonderful evening. Well done St Joseph’s. Thank you to SLT, PTA and all staff for working together and putting on a great evening, roll on next year” (Trombetta family)

“Just wanted to thank you all again, we had a great time and the boys loved the fireworks! Everything went so smoothly, great team effort and an applaudable event, thoroughly enjoyed it. Many thanks to you and the team for all your hard work.” (Faheem family)

“A top quality, smoothly run event, was great seeing everyone and catching up.” (Louis Harman)

“It was really lovely last night. Thank you for all your hard work, everyone had a great time.” (Fletcher family)

“Well done all. Really enjoyed it.” (Walton family)

“The fireworks were brilliant. Awesome display, we loved it.” (Kelly family)

“Thank you to all the PTA volunteers and school staff for the first of many firework events. Awesome!” (McGrath family)

“As a non-St Joseph’s family, we just wanted to say what a great time we had. It was amazing and would not have thought this was the first time you held this event. I have already told Mel to put me down for 3 tickets next year.” (Kimber family)

Thank you to everyone for supporting this event, it was particularly significant as it is part of our year-long celebrations to celebrate the school’s 150th anniversary.

If you have taken pictures or videos of the event, please feel free to share them on Instagram  and our hashtag #SJF150.



Next event to look forward to

We don’t have to wait too long for our next school community event. We will be holding our Christmas Fair on Saturday, 11th December 2021 (10.00 a.m. – 2.00 p.m.).

Please put the date in your diary and email the PTA on [email protected] if you can help. We will be running an “own clothes day” and will ask that the children bring in a bottle for the school fair.

KS2 trip to the Royal Opera House

Miss Bickmore arranged for children from years 4, 5 and 6 to attend a performance of Giselle at the Royal Opera House in Covent Garden. It was an amazing experience and the children and adults were totally captivated. We had numerous compliments about the children’s excellent behaviour and they represented St Joseph’s beautifully.

My thanks to Miss Bickmore for having the vision to arrange this fantastic experience and to all the parent/family and staff helpers who accompanied us. Children’s reports and comments together with photographs will be published in next week’s newsletter.


Supermarket vouchers for FSM-eligible pupils

We have received confirmation that supermarket vouchers for FSM-eligible pupils will be provided during Christmas 2021, February half-term 2022 and Easter 2022.

If you think you may be eligible, please let the office know as soon as possible. We do not get told by the local authority if you are eligible, so you must tell us. We have had cases where parents have run up debts, had to pay for school lunches and miss out on vouchers, even though they were eligible.

Please do email me if you have any concerns on [email protected]


Christmas holiday club

We will be running our holiday provision over the Christmas holidays, between 20 – 23 December 2021, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.  Children will be provided with a healthy and nutritious lunch. Activities will include arts & crafts as well as a trip to the pantomime.

If you do sign up for sessions, you will need to be on time and commit to attending. FSM-eligible pupils can attend for free; fee-paying places are £20 per day.

Click here to register for a place


School lunch pre-orders

Please login to Relish Pre-Order to choose meals, together with your child, prior to them coming into school, for up to a term in advance. You will be able to view the menus for the whole term, the recipes for the dishes as well as the ingredients, improving allergy management. This will also speed up registration in the morning if you pre-order your child’s meals.

Relish Pre-Order
Click here for a user guide to Relish Pre-order
Click here for a YouTube video showing how Relish Pre-order works


Wildcats – Girls football

Palace for Life Foundation will host a girls-only, after-school football club at St Joseph’s from January 2022 but only if we have sufficient numbers. The club will be held from 3:15 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. on school grounds on either a Monday or Wednesday, be taught by coaches from Palace for Life Foundation, and will cost only £1 per session.

Click here to express your interest


Year 6 Football team – A winning debut

Congratulations to our Y6 football team who won their first match on Thursday, 4th November 2021. Well done Mr Abrahams, your excellent coaching skills are paying off.

“On Thursday evening, the Year 6 boys kicked off their Croydon Schools FA League with a 5-2 win over Heavers Farm. Goals were scored by Denzel, Aviel, Noah and Mario managed to get himself 2 goals. It was a very promising start to the league campaign. The boys displayed great determination, passion and team work. The boys play again on Monday against St Cyprians, where they will be hoping to build off their win against Heavers Farm.” (Mr Abrahams)


Primary Careers Pathway

As part of our programme of promoting a range of careers for our children, we frequently tap into different organisations. Stemettes is an organisation promoting future careers in maths, science and technology for girls.

Click here for further information and online courses 


School history book

Mrs McMillan has completed the history of St Joseph’s Federation and has spent endless hours researching information, interviewing past and present staff to write this book. It really is a labour of love and we would like to thank Mrs McMillan for her effort and outstanding work.

We have begun to take early-bird orders so please click on the following link to buy your copy. It will make a great Christmas present and a wonderful keepsake for years to come.

Books will be available to collect from the school at some point in December 2021.

Click here to pay £5 for the St Joseph’s History Book


Whole School photograph – Monday, 15th November 2021

We have organised a whole school photograph to commemorate our 150th anniversary. The photographer will take shots of every child and staff member in school, which will then be merged into one whole school composite photograph.

You will have the opportunity to purchase copies; details will be shared in due course. Please ensure all pupils come to school in clean and tidy uniforms on that day.


November – month of Remembrance

November is a time when we think about all those who have lost their lives in past and recent conflicts. Father Anthony said Mass in the Junior school this week and readings were led by the pupil leadership team and staff. 2O will be leading a class assembly on remembrance and parents are warmly welcome to attend. It will be on Wednesday, 10th November 2021 at 9.15 a.m. in the Infant Hall.

Key Stage 2 will participate in an assembly on the Thursday, 11th November and will observe a minute silence at 11:00 in line with the whole country.

We have set up a book of prayers in both the Infant and Junior halls, so please do send in a prayer and names of anyone you would like us to pray for in school.

Online Safety

Keeping children safe continues to be a priority at all times. Please ensure you closely monitor your child’s use of mobile phones, electronic devices and online programmes. Do make time to read the latest copy of our online safety newsletter here.

Below is a useful document from Parentzone

Family support for digital


Gymnastics Saturday club (Yrs 1-6)

This club starts on 5 November 2021 only for those pupils whose parents have paid for a place and who have received a text message confirming it. Please do not turn up if you have not got both, as for health and safety reasons, we need to have a register of everyone and any medical conditions, before the event.

It will be run by Mr DuCase, a qualified gymnastics coach whom we are lucky to have. It will be held (initially) in the Junior Hall with Years 1 & 2 at 09:00 a.m., Years 3 & 4 at 10:00 a.m. and Years 5 & 6 at 11:00 a.m.

My thanks to Mrs Mangan and Mr Navarro for organising this club.

Click here for Mrs Mangan’s letter


Free breakfast at school for all children

From Monday, 8 November 2021, bagels and cereals will be available to all children, from 08:30 a.m. in the Infants hall (entrance on Crown Dale). Children can come with their parents, have breakfast and read a book together, before going to class. It is an ideal opportunity for you to bring your child in, and share a book with them while they have breakfast. It will be run daily, so please do drop in and enjoy this opportunity


Nasal flu vaccination form

Please do read the following information on the Nasal Flu vaccine. I have included it in every newsletter for the past two months as it is vital that you read it to be fully informed.

Any questions please do email me on [email protected]

The nasal flu vaccine will be offered to all school-aged children and will be delivered in school on the 8th of November. It will be administered by NHS nurses in school but only if you have consented to it.

Register your consent online by clicking here
Click here for the NHS letter with further information

It is important to be fully informed before making your decision.



Unfortunately, local residents are still experiencing problems with a minority of parents / carers parking inconsiderately, blocking drives and obstructing pathways. It presents the school in a negative light and does not promote our ethos of respect and consideration.

Please ensure you park carefully or better walk to school and leave the car at home. This is better for the environment and promotes a healthy lifestyle. Remember that the residents have a right to report any vehicles blocking their driveways or illegally parked on their street to Croydon Council, who will then send parking wardens to issue fines.


Good news to share

It has been a busy first week back and children have made a good start to the second-half of the Autumn term. Do remember that doors are open at 8:45 a.m. to allow children to come in to complete early morning tasks. If they are come in early every day, they will have an extra 1 hour and 15 minutes of learning time each week.

I am delighted to share with you that we have a new addition to our St. Joseph’s family. Mr and Mrs Defty have a beautiful baby girl, born on Tuesday, 2nd November. They are all doing well and I am sure you will have the opportunity to meet their daughter at some point this term.

We wish them all the best, many happy days and few sleepless nights.

Have a fantastic week and do remind your child to wear their school coat and hat. Temperatures are dropping and children need to keep warm.

Mrs Fernandes


Click below for this week’s pictures.



Key dates for events are as follows

Please note that all these events are also on the school calendar on our website. Sometimes we may need to change dates but advance warning will be given.

  • 08.11.21 – Flu Nasal Spray
  • 11.11.21 – Thursday, Class 2O Class Assembly (Remembrance Day) – Parents welcome (please note this is a new date)
  • 11.11.21 – KS2 Cross country competition at John Fisher playing fields
  • 12.11.21 – 3T class assembly (World Science day) – Parents welcome
  • 15.11.21 – Whole school photograph
  • 18.11.21 – Thursday, Class 2J Assembly (Anti-bullying) – Parents welcome
  • 19.11.21 – 4J class Assembly (Anti-bullying) – Parents welcome
  • 25.11.21 – Year 1 collective assembly (Advent)
  • 26.11.21 – 4O class Assembly (Advent)
  • 30.11.21 – Year 2 trip to Tower Bridge
  • 03.12.21 – 5E class Assembly (Celebrating diversity) – Parents welcome
  • 08.12.21 & 9.12.21 – Infant Advent Assembly (S&O J &E) – Parents welcome
  • 10.12.21 – 5S class Assembly (Human rights – respect, freedom of speech, tolerance/understanding)  – Parents welcome
  • 14.12.21 – EYFS Advent play
  • 15.12.21 – KS2 Advent Service – Virgo Fidelis (10.00)
  • 16.12.21 – Christmas Lunch day