Dear Parents/Carers, Our new newsletter can be found here. We hope you find that you have a better understanding of…
Another busy week at St Joseph’s and despite the daily showers, children have continued to be enthusiastic and enjoy being at school.
I have been delighted with the entries for our Nature photographic competition. Do look at the attached PDF with all entries. Thank you for supporting your child with this enjoyable activity, I think you will be impressed with the quality of photographs presented. Mrs Bailey (Chair of Governors) and Mrs Langford Jackson (Wellbeing Lead) will judge entries, and results will be shared with you in the next newsletter
The children spent most of the day engaged in mathematical challenges testing their knowledge, understanding and ability to apply skills to a range of contexts. They worked collaboratively and had the opportunity to explain their reasoning. It was interesting listening to discussions and seeing children question ideas with confidence.
The children were impressive and agreed that we as adults should also be challenged to solve problems. Taking their lead, I’m adding a challenge for you to work on with your child and submit your answers to me on [email protected] or alternatively send it in with your child. Please remember to explain your reasoning and show methods used. I look forward to receiving your entries.
Click here for this week’s learning
Click here for your maths challenge
Thank you to all the families who have donated money to our Library fund. If you have not had a chance, please do so using Parent Pay. Our new books have arrived and the furniture is due in next week. Year 5 and 6 pupils have been brilliant in helping organise resources and all the pupils have informed our book choices for the library.
So look out in next week’s newsletter for photos and it will be up and running after half term.
Congratulations to Luca in 3LJ for taking part in a sponsored skip to raise money for McMillan Cancer Research. He decided to try and use an activity he enjoys to benefit others. Luca raised £545; an admirable amount. Excellent work Luca, we’re really proud of you!
Further to my message in last week’s newsletter, a parent has informed me of attempted abductions in the Tulse Hill area and South East London. Please be extra vigilant and ensure your children are close to you whilst travelling to and from school.
If your child walks home on their own, please talk to them about keeping safe. We will be talking to all year groups about keeping safe in general and information shared will be age-sensitive.
This continues to be a priority and I am continually astounded at the length of time children spend online outside of school hours, with games and sites not related to their learning or wellbeing. Please closely monitor your child’s use of the internet and the sites they are visiting.
Click here for our online safety page
Please ensure your child’s medical information is up to date, particularly in relation to allergies. Any changes should be reported – in writing – to the school office or your child’s teacher.
We have updated our website to include the latest house points totals as well as information on the Saints which represent our School Houses.
Click here to check the house points totals
Reception parents have been expressing concerns about not being able to attend sports day. Whilst I appreciate it is difficult, there are a number of safety issues around COVID we need to consider. Restrictions are being lifted and there are increased numbers of people being vaccinated which is positive. However, the Archdiocese of Southwark has written to schools, stating that while liturgies and school Masses can be held in school, parents should not be invited to attend until the Autumn term.
With this in mind and considering all safety requirement and advice, we will not make a decision about sports day and other events until after the half-term. The Local Authority and Archdiocese are advising all schools and once we are fully informed, a decision will be made.
We do still need to observe safety guidelines. Sadly, a neighbouring school recently sent half their classes home owing to positive tests and now have to engage in surge testing. My priority is to keep everyone safe and whilst I understand it is difficult not to have the normal end of year activities, we need to be safe, careful and minimise risks. The last thing our school needs is to have bubbles burst and people (including our children) put at risk.
As previously stated, I will consider, Local Authority, Diocesan and Government guidelines and your views and will keep you updated via my newsletter. Thank you for your cooperation.
Mrs L Fernandes
Monday, 31st May 2021 – Friday, 4th June 2021– Half term / School is closed
Friday, 18th June 2021 – Inset day
School will be closed to children, but staff will be in for professional development training sessions
Thursday, 22nd July 2021 – End of the academic year
Please note that this is a day earlier than previously advertised as the school was open to pupils on Friday, 12th February (it was not used as inset day).
Dates to be confirmed