Dear Parents/Carers, Our new newsletter can be found here. We hope you find that you have a better understanding of…
Dear Parents/Carers,
One of the greatest blessings about being in a Catholic Federation, is the way we all support and uplift each other in good and challenging times. Mr Abrahams will be running in the London Marathon once again this year. Due to the loss of Baby Teddy last term, he has chosen to run for Meningitis Now and he has our full support. This charity ‘supports those affected by meningitis and aims to stop the disease devastating lives.’
As a school community, we have experienced first-hand the negative impact of this disease and so want to do all we can to help. As a Catholic School how we add to our community and serve others is a central aspect of our mission. So next term, we will be having events next term to support this charity and Mr Abrahams details will follow upon our return.
Meningitis Now state how any donations received can help them to achieve their mission:
£12 donation could pay for 10 support packs to be sent to people coping with meningitis,
£25 could pay for an hour of our helpline, providing phone and email support
£50 could pay for one hour of bereavement counselling
Imagine how many people we could help together. Should you wish to make a donation via Mrs Abrahams go fund me page, here is the link, please share widely. Good luck and well done Mr Abrahams! We will all be cheering for you.
This week, it was great to see the children taking part in special lessons to promote their wellness as part of Child Mental Health week. Thanks to Mrs Phillips for taking the lead on this. Throughout the Federation, the wellbeing of children and adults are a huge focus this year. Did you know that the children receive a weekly wellbeing lesson where they explore themes about wellbeing focused on developing a healthy mind, body and relationships? To support, you could discuss ways to remain healthy and well with your child at home. Here is a link to the Young Minds parents guidance on supporting your child’s wellbeing and mental health.
We have been enhancing our SEND provision across the school and refined our intervention processes. Teachers have been receiving training about adapting their lessons to meet the needs of all children and this will remain a whole school focus.
All those with children on our SEND register will get a letter in the first week back and be invited to attend a meeting with Mr. Abubaka or Mrs Longford-Jackson to discuss your child. If you are concerned about the development of your child, please speak to your child’s teacher or contact the office who will arrange a meeting with a member of the Inclusion team for you.
All communication from the school, is done via Ms Johnson our Office Manager and is shared via our app or our text messaging service. Any other communication is not endorsed by us nor from us. The Federation does not endorse any WhatsApp groups nor have any. We understand that some parents find groups useful to communicate with each other about their child’s learning/events and form relationships with other parents.
We are aware that messages have been circulated about the discos and that this caused confusion and upset to many members of our school community. As a result, Leaders had an emergency meeting with members of the PTA clarifying our expectations in terms of event planning and communication to the school community. All PTA communication will via the school office moving forwards.
It was great to see the children all dressed up and happy at the end of term discos. They have worked so hard this term so it was a wonderful for them to have fun with their friends, dance and play games. Thank you to the PTA, who put in a lot of time and effort.
I hope you and your families have a wonderful half term. I am looking forward to seeing you safe and well on our return.
Mrs Ashley and the St. Joseph’s Team