6th January 2023

Dear Parents and Friends
Happy new year to you and I hope it will be a healthy, happy and successful year ahead
I am delighted to share that Mrs Tope had a baby boy born on 5th January.  Both mum and baby are well and will visit in the near future.  Our congratulations to Mrs Tope and her family.
The children have settled in well and have been brilliant in assemblies.  We’ve talked about new year’s resolutions and the qualities we need to achieve them.  I always say pupil voice is a strength in our school and their responses consistently show an awareness of current affairs and empathy to others. I am always proud of the way they link their ideas and responses to Christ’s teaching and display our school values.
Our focus for this term is to further develop parental engagement and support you in helping your child with their learning.  Mrs Odewale is in the process of finalising coffee morning sessions focusing not just on learning, but also on other areas, e.g. managing finances, peer parental support and starting off a parent/toddler group that meets once a week.  Further information will be shared in next week’s newsletter.
Applications for Reception and Year 3 for September 2023
If you have a child currently in our School Nursery or another Nursery, or in Y2 you will need to complete the Local Authority on line application form by the 15th January. Please complete our School’s supplementary form by clicking on the following link Admissions
School Uniform
The weather continues to be cold and children should be wearing their school coats and full winter school uniform. Please ensure all items are clearly marked with your child’s name and class.
Children are expected to be in full winter uniform – school jumper/cardigan, grey trousers/skirts/pinafores, grey tights or white/grey socks, school tie (Y1-Y6) and a white shirt (polo shirt for EYFS). There are a number of items in lost property that have not been claimed and they will be displayed in the Junior School Hall before and after school on Monday and Tuesday next week. Please speak to your child’s teacher if you have any questions. Thank you for working with us to ensure the children wear the correct uniform and always look smart. If you are experiencing difficulties with uniform please see Mrs Langford Jackson.
I look forward to seeing you next week.
Mrs Fernandes