26th May 2023

Dear Parents and Friends

I would like to welcome all our new families to our school family and am sure you will enjoy being part of St Joseph’s School.

School Games Day – Friday, 26th May 2023

A big thank you to all staff for supporting our Games day, but especially to Mrs Mangan and Mr Abrahams for organising events which does take a lot of time and effort.  It was a fantastic event; the weather was perfect and it was wonderful to see many  of you join your children for an afternoon picnic.

Congratulations to St Sebastian for winning the House Teams championship.

I know I’m biased, but our children are truly amazing.  They make us smile, test our patience at times, but always make us proud and warm our hearts with their  wonderful sincere comments.  They are reflective and great ambassadors for the school.

Children met with visitors this week and I received so many compliments about their behaviour, confidence and above all good manners.  People often comment about our welcoming ethos and strong pupil voice.  We should be very proud of everything we achieve and our motto of ‘Together We Can with Christ by our side’ is embodied in every day life.

Junior Playground Plans

I am excited to announce that the first stage of our junior playground development will begin over half term.  Contractors will be in to carry out some foundation work in preparation for the next phase which will take place in the summer holidays.  The playground is gong to be resurfaced and the final stage will be to add playground markings  and purchase new playground furniture.

We will be using some of the money donated to the school by the PTA  in the Autumn term to furnish the playground and add additional items to the Infant playground, one of these being a reading shed.   Their generous donation is a result of the hard work of the PTA over years.  I’m sorry that our Year 6 will not be able to enjoy the full benefit, but they will leave knowing that their ideas were  used to develop the playground.

We’ve made it to the end of term still smiling and children full of energy.  It’s been a pleasure to see many of you attend assemblies, picnics, workshops and other events.  Next term is going to be incredibly busy so please do keep an eye out for notices and key information.  Do add the future dates at the end of this newsletter to your diary.

I am delighted to share with you that Miss Veneri (from the Infant School) will be getting married this Saturday and I know you will join with me to wish her all the best and every happiness for the future.  We look forward to seeing the photographs next term.

Please keep Mrs Steen Plomer and her family in your prayers, her father passed away last week.  It is a difficult time for her, but I know your kind words and prayers will help.

I hope you have a fun filled, restful half term.  Hopefully the sun will continue to shine and we can look forward to a hot summer.

Term begins on Monday, 5th June 2023 at 8.45 a.m.

RE News

Send forth your spirit, O Lord, and renew the face of the earth.


Sunday Mass Readings for May 28th  2023, Seventh  Sunday of Easter, Year A
1st Reading Acts 2: 1-11
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 103:1, 24, 29-31, 34, R. Cf. v.30
2nd Reading 1 Corinthians 12:3B-7, 12-13
Gospel John 20:19-23

Click on this link to  download an activity sheet for your child 

Celebrating achievement and hard work

Headteacher and Attendance Award



Merit Certificates:

 At St Joseph’s we aim for at least 97% attendance. 

Year group  Merit Certificates  Overall Class Attendance
Nursery  Whole class for excellent teamwork!  88%
RH  Whole class for excellent teamwork!  99%
RP  Whole class for excellent teamwork!  88%
1E  Whole class for excellent teamwork!  97%
1S /2O Whole class for excellent teamwork!  89%/91%
2J  Whole class for excellent teamwork!  97%
3S  Whole class for excellent teamwork!  98%
3T  Whole class for excellent teamwork!  98%
4J  Whole class for excellent teamwork!  97%
4O  Whole class for excellent teamwork!  91%
5S  Whole class for excellent teamwork!  91%
5E  Whole class for excellent teamwork!  90%
6P  Whole class for excellent teamwork!  92%
6H  Whole class for excellent teamwork!  95%


Congratulations to the following classes for the highest attendance this week


Mrs Fernandes


This week’s photo montage

Future Dates

Summer 2 Term

06.06.23 – 1S & 2O science workshop – Brockwell  Park

07.06.23 –  9.15 a.m. New Reception parents meeting

07.06.23 – 10.30 a.m. New Nursery parents meeting

08.06.23  – KS2 Maths Quiz at Thomas Beckett (2 school teams)

09.06.23 –  Y6 PGL residential

12.06.23 – Y6 – Citizenship workshop (in school)

12.06.23 – 16.02.23 – Phonics screening

12.06.23 – 16.06.23 – Y4 Multiplication Tables Check

12.06.23 – Y6 Citizenship Workshop

15.06.23 – 2J Assembly 9.15 a.m. (All welcome)

13.06.23 – Play on the Pitch (Selhurst Park Stadium, selected Y4 pupils

14.06.23 –  School Mass (junior hall) for children who have made their 1st Holy Communion (9.10 a.m.)

14.06.23 –  Language workshop in London (selected Y2 pupils)

15.06.23 –  Y6 Chessington trip

15.06.23 – KS2 Catholic sports day (St James the Great)

19.06.23 – 23.06.23 – ‘Journey of hope & dreams’ commemorating the Windrush generation

19.06.23 – Croydon Athletics Tournament (Boys heats) 4.00 – 6.00 p.m. at Croydon Arena

20.06.23 –  Croydon Athletics Tournament (Girls heats) 4.00 – 6.00 p.m.

20.06.23 –  Athlete mentor (motivational speaker)

21.06.22 –  Croydon Athletics Tournament (finals for boys/girls) 4.00 p.m. – 6.00 p.m.

22.06.23 – 2O/1S Assembly 9.15 a.m. (All welcome)

22.06.23 – Panathlon Y3 & Y4 (in school with Y6 sports ambassadors)

23.06.23 – Year 4 Assembly   9.15 a.m. (All welcome) – Please note this is a revised date

23.06.23 – Y3 Cafod workshop in school  

24.06.23 – Colour Run (PTA event)

26.06.23 – 1E Science trip to Brockwell Gardens

27.06.23 – 2J science workshop  to Brockwell Gardens   

27.06.23 –  Reception vision screening

28.6.23 –   1E  Assembly 9.15 a.m. (All welcome)

28.06.23 –  Summer Music concert  2.00 – 3.00 p.m.

30.06.23 –    3S Assembly 9.15 a.m. (All welcome)

30.06.23 –    5,  Y5 pupils to attend Young City Poet’s recital

July 2023

03.07.23 – General Knowledge Quiz final (Oxford University)

03.07.23 – Athlete mentor workshops

06.07.23 – KS1 Catholic Athletics Tournament (Thomas Becket School)

07.07.23 – 5E Assembly 9.15 a.m. (All welcome)

10.07.23 –    Transition day for whole school (pupils to spend the day with their new teacher)

11.07.23 – Nursery Assembly 9.15 a.m. (All welcome)

12.07.23 – Thanksgiving Mass 1.30 p.m. Virgo Fidelis Church 1.30 p.m. (All welcome)

13.07.23 – Reports sent to parents

13.07.23 – Reception Assembly (All welcome)

14.07.23 – Year 2 Farewell Assembly 9.15 a.m. (All welcome)

17.07.23 –  Year 6 Production 5.30 p.m. (junior hall)

19.07.23 – Year 6 leavers Mass 5.30 p.m. (junior hall)

20.07.23 – END OF TERM 1.30 p.m.