Dear Parents/Carers, Our new newsletter can be found here. We hope you find that you have a better understanding of…
Dear Parents/Carers,
On Monday, children from Y4 to Y6 took part in a Swimming Gala at South Norwood Leisure Centre. They performed well and did their best. We will find out next week if any of our swimmers made it through to the next round… fingers crossed they do. Well done children, thank you for representing our Federation so wonderfully.
We are relaunching our PTA and I sent out a letter about it today. We know that there are many new families to our school and existing parents who would like to get involved in our school community. The PTA is a wonderful way to work in partnership with the school to the benefit of your child and all the children in the school. If you’re interested in helping in any way (doesn’t have to be regular) please complete this form.
The 1st AGM will be on Friday 2nd February 2024 in the Junior Hall, everyone welcome.
Since September, we have been reviewing our communication systems and procedures throughout the Federation and thinking about ways to improve them. We would really value your opinion and would appreciate you completing this survey so that parent voice can help inform our decision making.
This year we have hosted three trainee teachers for placement so far and have just developed a new link with London Metropolitan university! Goldsmith and The University of Roehampton have also place students with us.
Having trainees is a wonderful opportunity for our teachers to develop their ability to mentors and develop others. Our teachers serve as an examples of great practice and we also learn new and innovative approaches to teaching and learning from our trainees too. Two more students are due to train with us this year and it amazing to be recognised as a Federation that can help shape the future of up and coming teachers.
In October, last term we had a flood at the school. This has impacted the functioning of the school as we have had to relocate the administration office and the Headteacher’s Office. We have had engineers and surveyors in to access the damage and building work on these areas is due to start soon. It will be extensive and we will loose the use of the areas from the reception to the staffroom. The Junior Hall will still be in use but we won’t be able to go beyond it. I will update you accordingly as soon as I have any more information. A special thanks you to you all for your patience and understanding and to the team for being so flexible and working hard to ensure that standards and provision remain high.
I am pleased to let you know that Mrs Tope returned to school this week and we all were delighted to see her. She is on a gradual return and having her back in school has really warmed our hearts. She has shown great strength and courage. When you see her, we hope you can let her know how good it is to have her back. The children were very happy and naturally asked her questions, which we answered at an age appropriate level. Baby Teddy is an angel in heaven now, watching over all of us. We know he’s extremely proud of his mummy this week.
Just before Christmas Mrs Standen, our School Business manager retired so that she can support her family. I have never worked with a SBM with such expertise and experience. She has worked tirelessly to improve systems at St. Joseph’s Federation and I know you will join me in wishing her and her family the best. We managed to successfully recruit a new SBM, who will start in April. Fortunately, Mrs Standen has agreed to work a day a week to ensure the financial side of the school continues to function well. I have taken on the other responsibilities this term and I am immensely grateful to Mrs Standen for her commitment to our schools, putting our needs at times before that of her own. This is what makes St. Joseph’s so special, the way we live the mission of our schools.
I hope you and your families have a wonderful weekend,
Mrs Ashley and the St. Joseph’s Team