24th March 2023

Dear Parents and Friends

Thank you to all the parents and friends who joined us for our school Mass to celebrate St Joseph’s day on Monday, 20th March.

Our pupil leadership team from the Infant and Junior Schools led the celebrations, and worked with children to choose their favourite hymns, readings and composed their own bidding prayers.  My thanks to Mrs Gallagher for organising them and to Mrs Speight for leading the singing and especially to Fr James and Fr Wilfred for saying Mass at the Church.   It was a wonderful celebration to commemorate our feast day.

Catholic Social Teaching

We were delighted to  welcome Mary Carter from Cafod,  who talked to the children about Catholic Social Teaching (CST)  This is based on 7 principles:

1. Life and Dignity of the Human Person

We all have dignity because we are created in God’s image.

2. Care for God’s Creation

This is about protecting people and the planet. We must consider how our actions can affect the environment.

3. Family, Community and Participation

This means all people have the right to participate in society and to seek the common good, which means the good for all.

4. Rights and Responsibilities

This challenges us to protect the rights of all people. Everyone has a right to life and should have a say.

5. Option for the Poor and Vulnerable

This means to help those who need it the most. Due to divisions of the rich and poor, we are called to put the needs of the poor first.

6. The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers 

All people work in some way because work is more than making a living, it’s participating. Therefore, jobs and pay should be fair for everyone.

7. Solidarity

We are all one human family. By promoting peace and justice, we can bring the community together and live in unity

Year 5 took part in workshops around these themes and engaged in discussions about what they could do to promote these principles.  They looked at different statements and had to decide on the principle/principles they linked to.  Mary will be returning after Easter to work with other groups.

We have only just introduced CST but will be running parent sessions on how you can support your child and promote these principles.  These principles are very much a part of our school life and children are familiar with them through their discussions about current affairs and as part of the RE curriculum. Further information will be shared, but do click on the following link for useful information.

Catholic Social Teaching in 3 minutes | CAFOD – YouTube 

Class Assembly

Congratulations 3S on leading an amazing assembly all about poetry to celebrate ‘World Poetry’ day

The children spoke confidently, reciting their favourite poem ‘The Sound Collector’  They composed their own class poem based on facts about themselves, things they liked, their hopes and dreams for the future.

Unfortunately, I was unable to attend, but I have enjoyed the video.  Luna wrote a great letter to me about 3S’ assembly

Dear Mrs Fernandes

It was such a shame that you could not attend our assembly yesterday.  However, I can happily inform you that it went better than we practised.  You would have been proud of how Myles introduced the class to the audience and how each of my classmates presented their parts of the poem. 

I was excited to show how I had memorised my part and were all greeted with smiles and applause from our parents afterwards. 

We missed you but we know how hard it is running our school.  A job you do so well. 

News to celebrate

A group of key stage 2 pupils took part in a sporting competition (Panathlon) at Trinity School on Tuesday, 21st March.  There was a range of activities requiring speed, agility and most of all team work.  Congratulations to all the children  for coming fourth overall.  Teams were closely matched and our children were fantastic.  The organisers and young sports leaders were highly complimentary of the children and praised them for their wonderful manners and fantastic sportsmanship.  Excellent work, Shane, Mwessi, Paris, Christina,  Malachi, Noor, Myles.  Thank you to Mrs Mangan for training the team and to Mrs Luri and Ms Marshall for accompanying them.

Mr Abrahams accompanied our football team to a mixed tournament at Trinity School on Tuesday.  The children played a selection of matches.  Fantastic sportsmanship, determination and true to St Joseph’s ethos, they represented us brilliantly.  Staff commented on their excellent behaviour and wonderful manners.  Well done!


We have a number of older  KS2 pupils who walk to  and from school unaccompanied by an adult.  Please may I remind you that you must send in a letter authorising  your child to walk unaccompanied.

Concerns have been raised that some children are not being careful when crossing  busy roads and compromising safety.  It is important that you speak to your child about road safety and all aspects of keeping safe outside of school, particularly around ‘stranger danger’

Some children are being dropped to school before 8.30 a.m. and are waiting at the top of Woodend/Bradley Road.  Children are NOT SUPERVISED  IN SCHOOL UNTIL 8.40 a.m.

Mrs Odewale runs the breakfast club from 7.30 a.m. should you require to use this service please contact her.

Please be assured that where concerns are raised, we will always follow them up and if necessary take advice from external agencies.

Infant children will not be allowed to go home with junior children and will only be sent home with an adult with responsibility to collect from school.  At the end of the day it is busy, so please ensure you have younger children near to you where you can see them and please do not leave the premises unless your child is with you.

I am sure you will agree that keeping children and everyone safe in our school community is a priority.  If you have any questions please do contact the office an make an appointment to see me.


RE Newsletter


This week’s question  to discuss with your child links to the first principle of Catholic Social Teaching.

Mass Readings  for Sunday

Sunday Mass Readings for March 26th 2023, 5th Sunday of Lent, Year A

1st Reading                                      Ezekiel 37:12-14

Responsorial Psalm                         Psalms 130:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8

2nd Reading                                    Romans 8:8-11

Gospel                                             John 11:1-45 

If you click on the following link you can download an activity sheet for your child

Activity Sheet for 5th Sunday of Lent

Celebrating achievement and hard work Headteacher’s and Attendance Award


Headteachers award

Merit Certificates:

 At St Joseph’s we aim for at least 97% attendance. 

Year group  Overall Class Attendance
Nursery  90%
RH  97%
RP  98%
1E  95%
1S /2O  83%/99%
2J  98%
3S  95%
3T  97%
4J  95%
4O  97%
5S  93%
5E  90%
6P  96%
6H  99%

Congratulations to the following classes for the highest attendance this week


Classes 2O and 6H

This week’s photo montage

Mrs Fernandes


Diary Dates

Spring 2 Term

28.03.23  –  3T Assembly

30.03.23  –  Trip to the Royal Opera House

31.03.23  –  School ends at 1.15 p.m. for the Easter break    

Summer term commences Monday, 17th April 2023