23rd September Newsletter

Dear Parents & Carers
Thank you to all the children who attended Mass at Virgo Fidelis Church on the 11th September and Margaret Clitherow Church last Sunday. Our children led the readings, singing and offertory and Parishioners were highly complementary and keen to build links between both Parishes and our School. Ideas discussed included coffee mornings hosted by our year 6 pupils where Parishioners will be invited to share their memories of school life. The children represented our School beautifully, looking smart in their uniform. My thanks to Mrs Gallagher for working with the children and to Mrs Speight for leading the singing. We will be joining St Matthews congregation on Sunday, 2nd October 2022. Please email me on [email protected] if you would like your child to join us.

Parental Engagement

It’s been another busy week and children are fully settled into their new classes. Thank you to the parents who attended our Coffee and Calculations morning on Tuesday. Mrs Gallagher led a session on supporting children’s learning with Maths. Our next session is on Tuesday, 4th October 2022 at 9.00 a.m. in the School Library and will focus on ‘Reading for Pleasure’ Please do try and join us. My thanks to Mrs Odewale for organising these events.


18.10.22 – School Tech
We are currently experiencing technical issues with our School App. We will be holding an IT support surgery every Wednesday in the School Library from 9.00 a.m. to 10.00 a.m. We can also support you with your applications for Year 7 and Reception places for September 2023. No need to book, just turn up for a cup of coffee and some IT support or you can share your expertise and help others.

Year 1 & 2 Curriculum Meeting
The above meeting held on Tuesday afternoon was well attended and I hope you found it helpful to hear about the curriculum and how you can support your child. We will be hosing meetings for Reception, Year 3, 4 & 5 before the end of term.

Open Days
Please do pass the word around about our future Open Days. We have advertised in the local and wider community. If you can distribute leaflets to local businesses or to families you know are looking for Reception and Nursery places for September 2023, please ask the School Office for leaflets. We would like to actively promote the School in the local area and welcome new ideas on how we can raise our profile.
Next Open Day – Wednesday, 28th September 10.00 a.m. to 11.30 a.m.
Wednesday, 5th October 5.30 p.m. to 7.30 p.m.
Wednesday , 12th October from 10.00 a.m. – 11.30 a.m.
Saturday, 12th November 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.

School Uniform

Please clearly name all items of uniform. Children often misplace items and it is difficult to return items if they are not named. We will be putting out a table on Monday morning and after school with items from lost property. Any uniform not claimed will be donated to the PTA for a second-hand uniform sale.

Mrs Standen (SBM) and I met with our Uniform suppliers School Wear United, based at Crown Point, to discuss the cost of uniform items. He has kindly agreed to reduce the cost of school coats to £23. We greatly appreciate this
School Macmillan coffee morning – Friday, 7th October 2022
This is an annual school event which we are proud to support. All money raised will be donated to the Macmillan trust so please do support the cake sale which will be held from 8.00 a.m. to 9.30 a.m. in the Junior Hall. Do come in for a coffee and a slice of cake.
There will also be a bake off so do submit your entry with your child’s name and class clearly labelled, along with a list of ingredients used . We are a nut free zone, so please do not add any nuts to the bakes. The cakes will be judged by a panel and will be available after school for sale.

Fireworks evening – Wednesday, 2nd November
We will be hosting our second PTA Fireworks evening and it definitely is an event not to be missed. Details will be shared shortly and please do purchase your tickets as soon as they are released to avoid disappointment. It was a huge success last year and we anticipate a big demand for tickets. So do add it to your diary.

Please could infant parents not wait outside the classroom until 3.10 p.m. as arriving early does distract children in class.  Many thanks for your cooperation.

You will be delighted to hear that our weekly photomontage will return next week, showcasing all the excellent learning across the school. Until then, enjoy a few wonderful moments of learning

Mrs L Fernandes