21st April 2023

Dear Parents and Friends

Welcome back to the summer term and I hope you had an enjoyable and restful Easter break.

It will be an incredibly busy term so please do keep up to date with information shared via my newsletter, notices, emails and on your child’s Google Classroom.

Children have returned to school  fully energised, focused on their learning  and have also engaged in several sporting events.

Whole school Mini Marathon

My thanks to Mrs Mangan and Mr Abrahams for organising this event held on Thursday, 20th April.

St. Joseph’s have taken part in the TCS Mini London Marathon  and the children have received pin badges for participating.

This year the mini marathon contributed towards the Guinness World Records challenge.  Our pupils pledged to run, jog, walk 2.6 miles.  I am delighted to say that we will receive a certificate from Guinness World Records if the challenge is successful.

Hopefully children will be inspired to take up running whether with their parents, other family members or friends.  They could even  join clubs outside of school and become  part of the St. Joseph’s Team..  Congratulations to all our children and staff for participating.

London Marathon

This Saturday, 30 children from the school have the privilege of running the last part of the London marathon. 15 are running the last mile and the other 15 are running the last 2.6KM. It’ll be an amazing experience for all involved.

Then on Sunday, Mr Abrahams is running the actual marathon. You can track him by downloading the 2023 London Marathon app and typing in his bib number into the tracking section – 64272.

He is running for his friend who recently was involved in a life changing incident. It’s not too late to donate and any donation big or small is appreciated. Here is the link:

Go Fund Me Page

I am sure you will join with me in wishing him all the best, without a doubt he will make us proud and I look forward to sharing some photos next week.

Football triumph

Our KS2 team triumphed again winning 2-1 against Hayes school from Coulsdon.  This means we are now through to the semi-finals of the CSFA League, and will play St Cyprians on home ground.  The date is to be confirmed, but it would be great if you can attend to support.  The match will be after school.  So look out for information next week.

Thank you to Mr Abrahams for coaching the team and to our sporting  heroes: Ishaan, Michael S, Javier, Marcos, Bruno, Tyler and Kai  

Nursery & Reception phonic videos

Please do login to your child’s Google Classroom to access videos to support your child with phonics. This is a valuable resource and videos will be uploaded every Friday.  Every parent/carer should have login details.  Do please speak to your class teacher if you have any questions.

Ms Allery runs a IT clinic on Wednesday mornings in the Garden Hall from 9.00 a.m. to 10.00 a.m.  Please do see her if you have any technical issues accessing Google Classrooms or our Weduc App.

Coronation Picnic – Friday, 5th May 2023 1.30 p.m. – 3.00 p.m.

To commemorate this historical event, we will be having a picnic on Friday afternoon.

Parents and cares are warmly welcome to attend.  You can bring a picnic to share with your child, weather permitting it will be on the school field.  If you are unable to attend, children will picnic with their class.  The PTA will be selling refreshments and a selection of memorabilia to commemorate the event.    Please do contact the PTA if you are able to help.

Colour Run

Look out for information later on this term about this event.  The PTA ran it last year for the first time and it was a big success.  So please do add the date to your diary and again contact the PTA if you are able to help [email protected]


Please remember to park with due consideration to others and kindly do not block drives.  Children  should not be left alone in cars and an adult must be with them at all times.   A concerned member of the public reported that a young toddler was left in a car.  Should this happen and comes to our attention, we will contact the Police.

Easter HAF programme

A big thank you to Mrs Odewale and her incredible team for running yet another successful holiday camp full of fun activities.  The dance was amazing and the children by all accounts had a brilliant week.  It takes considerable organisation, time and effort to plan activities and the team do  this so well.   We had over 90 children attend over the week and so many positive comments.

Thank you HAF team for all you do for not just St Joseph’s children but so many from neighbouring schools.  It is an excellent advertisement for our school.

RE Newsletter

This week’s question  to discuss with your child is;



Click on the following link to download an activity sheet for your child Activity Sheet

Mass Readings  for Sunday

Sunday Mass Readings for April 23rd 2023, 3rd Sunday of Easter, Year A

1st Reading                                    Acts 2:14, 22-33

Responsorial Psalm                       Psalm 16:1-2, 5, 7-8, 9-10,11

2nd Reading                                   1 Peter 1:17-21

Allelluia                                          Luke 24:32

Gospel                                            Luke 24:13-35 

Headteachers award


Merit Certificates:

 At St Joseph’s we aim for at least 97% attendance. 

Year group  Merit Certificates  Overall Class Attendance
Nursery   Ariyah and Gaurika  89%
RH  Za’nyah and Avon  94%
RP  JJ and Katie  92%
1E Betty and Demari  94%
1S /2O  93%/90%
2J  Ruben and Maria  95%
3S Tyler and D’Real  96%
3T Yohanna and Ezekiel  94%
4J Joy and Jael  95%
4O Neah-Rose and Ema  96%
5S Estella and Jensina  95%
5E Amelia and Luana  93%
6P  Kyla and Imole  95%
6H  Joshua W and Max  96%


Congratulations to the following classes for the highest attendance this week

Classes 2J, 3S, 4O and 6H


Mrs Fernandes


This week’s photo montage
Future Dates

24.04.23 – Y6 SATS Parents’ meeting  8.15a.m. &  2.45 p.m. (Junior Hall)

25.04.23 – Reception/Y1 Parents’ meeting 2.15 p.m. (Infant Hall)

27.04.23 – Industrial action day (School open ONLY to Y6 Pupils)

28.04.23 – Y2 parents’ meeting re KS1 SATS 8.45 a.m. 2.45p.m.

03.05.23 – Bikeability course (Some Y4 pupils)

04.05.23 – Poets workshop with Y5

04.05.23 – 3T parent Teacher contact meetings (rescheduled from last term)

05.05.23 – 3T Assembly 9.15 a.m. (All welcome)

05.05.23 – Coronation Day Picnic 1.30 – 3.00 p.m. (parents/carers welcome to attend)

12.05.23 – Marian Procession 2.00 p.m. (All welcome)

15.05.23 – Class Photographs

15.05.23 – Science Week

18.05.23 – Y3 trip to Science Museum

18.04.23 – Y4 trip to Chislehurst caves

18.05.23 – Y5 trip to London Zoo

19.05.23 – 5S Assembly 9.15 a.m. (All welcome)

22.05.23 – Focused week on ‘Keeping healthy’

25.05.23 – KS2  Disco (run by Y5 as part of their Enterprise project)

26.05.23 – School Games Day a.m.)