18th November 2022

Another full week where the focus has been on anti-bullying. It began with ‘odd socks day.’ Children across the School have visited West Norwood Library, been to the Cinema and engaged in a workshop about wellbeing.  Alongside this, children have carried on engaging in our full curriculum.   Amazing, thank you to staff, pupils and to parents/carers who have supported us and come into school to engage in a variety of activities.

Anti-Bullying week

Thank you to Ms Ugbo and Mrs Phillips for organising activities this week.
This week has been packed with anti-bullying activities. KS1 enjoyed their mindfulness workshop, while KS2 had an exciting VR experience learning about the different participants when bullying and ways to help others being bullied. They had lots of questions and shared their views respectfully with one another. The playground buddies have already had 2 meetings and have shared lots of great ideas that they think will improve everyone’s well-being and happiness in the playground. This week’s Art sessions were linked to anti-bullying and children made beautiful pieces.

Pison (Y6)
“Anti-bullying was good because all parents came in and we had a nice time at the cinema. We got to do some friendship posters and we got to understand the meaning of bullying properly. And we should always be kind and not search to be rude to others. The VR session we have done helped us to see the different types of bullying and that bullying is not okay. When others need help or are going through a rough time we shouldn’t be making their lives harder. Anti-bullying week went well because we got to help others and show that we can be kind. Our class had a good time doing the activities.”

 Class Assemblies

Thank you, Class 2J, for an excellent assembly on keeping safe online. It is such an important topic and your presentation was great. Year 4 delivered a powerful assembly related to anti bullying, and shared key information about the need to always share concerns with others.

Class Reading Journals

This week will see the launch of our new class reading journals. The reading journals are a thinking space for pupils to explore and reflect on their reading experience through writing, drawing and creativity! Each weekend the journal will be taken home by one pupil in each class, to record a story they have read, loved and would like to share with their classmates. For younger pupils, encouraging drawing and art-based activities on their story is a wonderful way for them to record and share a book they have loved. You will find examples inside the journal for inspiration.

West Norwood Library Visits

We are delighted to announce that as part of our ongoing commitment to the celebration and importance of developing a love of reading, every class will be visiting West Norwood Library each half term. Each child will take home two books of their choice, that will be returned on their next visit. We kindly ask that you take care of these books, there will be a charge issued by the library for any damaged or lost books. Thank you for your support.
Maria Tope
Early Years & English Lead


Children in Need ‘Be Spotacular’ -18th November 2022

The Pupil Leadership team would like to thank you for your generous donations in school and for sponsoring children to complete the daily mile and getting involved in the ‘Spotacular’ dressing up day.  At the moment the total amount raised is over £4000.  All your contributions have helped make a difference to so many lives and we can be proud of the children and everyone in our community.  Prizes were awarded to the best costume in each year group.
Nursery Maria
Reception Liam P
Year 1 Sophie
Year 2 Oskar K
Year 3 Gabriel S
Year 4 China
Year 5 Jaiden
Year 6 Kyla

Children registering on the Children In Need fundraising page, received a medal and certificate from the BBC.

Next week prizes will be awarded to a child in the Infant and Junior School raising the most amount of money.  Winners will be announced in next week’s newsletter as the donation page is being kept open until then.
Our Infant pupil leaders are already planning a fundraising activity so keep an eye out for details which will be shared shortly.

Monday – 21.11.22 Start of the world cup

Mr Abrahams has organised a day of learning linked to the start of the world cup. Children across the school will be engaging in persuasive writing. The Infants will be making posters and writing poems persuading people why England would be great to host a future world cup. Years 3 and 4 will be writing persuasive letters and Years 5 & 6 will be looking at human rights as discussed in current affairs. Maths activities will be linked to problem solving and data handling.

Maths Week – 21.11.22 – 25.11.22

My thanks to Mrs Gallagher for organising a range of activities for the week. We have the Puzzle Company working with KS2 and art activities linked to maths in KS1. We would be delighted to welcome parents to come into school on dedicated days to work on problem solving activities with your child. There is a ‘prove it’ competition for all children. Please click on the following link to access information.
Parents Math’s week letter
Math’s week Homework


Every parent and carer in our school community is automatically a member of the PTA, so please do come to the AGM.  It’s a great way to get to know other parents/carers and make a difference to our community. Your ideas are welcome and your support valued.
Over the years, the PTA have made generous contributions to the school which has enabled us to install a new adventure area in the Infant playground, purchase musical instruments and an electronic piano for the school. More recently they have donated £500 towards purchasing high quality books for every class chosen by the children. They reflect the diversity of our community and the children are excited as they were involved in choosing the titles.
This is Book Love
Please do make every effort to attend the AGM and volunteer your help and support.

HAF December Holiday programme

Please email Mrs Odewale if you are interested in booking a place. Places are filling up fast so please do not delay to avoid disappointment.

This week’s photo montage

Mrs Fernandes

Diary dates

21.11.22 – MATHS WEEK

21.11.22 – 2J visit to West Norwood Library

22.11.22 – 1E visit to West Norwood Library

23.11.22 – School Open morning for new parents 10.00 – 11.30 a.m.

24.11.22 – Class 1E/2O Assembly (parents/carers welcome) 9.15 a.m.

24.11.22 – Reception & Y6 Height & weight check

24.11.22 – Class 1E/2O Class Assembly (parents/carers welcome) 9.15 a.m.

24.11.22 – Y5/Y6 Football maths (away)

24.11.22 – PTA AGM – Junior Hall at 6.00 p.m.

25.11.22 – 3S Class Assembly (parents/carers welcome) 9.15 a.m.

28.11.22 – INSET DAY STAFF TRAINING (School closed to pupils)

29.11.22 – 3T visit to West Norwood Library


06.12.22 – Y6 Natural History Museum

07.12.22 – KS1 Nativity Play  9.15 a.m. & 2.15 p.m.

08.12.22 – Wellbeing day

09.12.22 – Magician performance  (funded by the PTA)

09.12.22 – Christmas music concert 5.00 p.m. – 6.00 p.m.

12.12.22 –  KS2 Christmas Carol Service 1.45 p.m.

13.12.22 – EYFS Nativity 9.15 a.m. & 2.15 p.m.

14.12.22 – Christmas dinner & Christmas Jumper day

15.12.22 – Y3 Trip to the Pantomime (Fairfield Halls)