Dear Parents/Carers, Our new newsletter can be found here. We hope you find that you have a better understanding of…
We have had a great first week back at St. Joseph’s. It was wonderful welcoming the children back last week, seeing them dressed smartly and ready to learn. Thank you for your support.
Lots of fun learning activities have been planned for your children to enrich their cultural capital and enhance their learning journey. Trip and club letters will be sent out soon and school clubs will start week beginning 25th September. Club letters will be released at 6.15pm via our school app to give children with working parents the same opportunity to attend clubs.
It was great to see so many of you at our Meet The Teacher event on Wednesday! It’s wonderful to see that our children are so well supported at home and at school. A huge thanks to the whole team for working together to ensure that you were all well informed about your child’s learning and our whole school expectations.
We are having a huge focus on our reading and handwriting this half term. Please encourage your child to read regularly at home and complete their reading records. Don’t forget to ask them questions about what they have read. e.g. who is your favourite character? What do you predict (think) is going to happen next? How did you feel when…?
Key dates will be on the school calendar on our Weduc App. Please look at this to keep abreast of what’s happening in the school.
Just a reminder that children should be coming to school in their school P.E. kit on their P.E. days. We have done this to increase learning time and support transitions between lessons.
At the end of last year, Mrs Kim Mapp-Nwosu was appointed as our Assistant Headteacher. She has a breadth of knowledge in teaching and learning, especially in regards to SEND practice and pedagogy. She will be leading Inclusion across the school. Mrs La Touche also joined our teaching team last week. She is teaching in Y5 with Mrs Langford-Jackson. We are fortunate to have such a highly experienced teacher and previous Maths Leader join our school! Thank you all for being so welcoming to us and the children for helping us find our way when we have been lost.
We would like to say a huge congratulations to Miss James and Miss Chrusciak who both are recently married! I am sure you’d join us in wishing them and their husbands a happy, healthy marriage for many years to come. Miss James will now be called Mrs Saddler and Miss Chrusciak, Mrs Chrusciak. I am sure we’ll all get used to it.
We would like to extend a special thanks to Mrs Stephanie Odewale, who was the Parent Engagement Officer at the school last year. We are grateful for her valuable contribution to our school and whilst she is no longer a member of the St. Joseph’s team, she is a special member of our school Community. She will continue to run the breakfast and after school provision. If you have any thing you would like to discuss about your child’s education or development, please speak to your child’s class teacher in the first instance, myself or Mrs Mapp-Nwosu.
We hope you have a fantastic weekend,
Mrs Ashley and the St. Joseph’s Team