15 May 2021

This week we celebrated Mental Health Awareness week by connecting with nature.

A big thank you to Mrs Langford Jackson, for organising activities this week, which have included the daily mile for adults led by Mrs Mangan and Coach Lutchman. Children participated in early morning exercise sessions, which helped to improve concentration and focus.

Click on the following link to access further information on mental health and wellbeing


There have been some wonderful photographs sent in from children and adults, representing different aspects of nature. There is still time for you to email your entries as the deadline is Monday, 17th May 2021. Please email photographs (with your child’s name and class) to [email protected]. If you are unable to email it, print off a copy and hand it to the school office. Remember you can work with your child to take a photograph of any aspect of nature.

Click here for some of the recent entries

Mrs Bailey and Mrs Langford Jackson will judge the entries and prizes will be awarded. We would like to create a display of all the photographs entered.


Atom Learning – Exclusive online resource for St Joseph’s

Mr Defty recently wrote to all junior parents with details of an opportunity to subscribe to the above online resource. St Joseph’s has partnered with ATOM Learning, which is an advanced online learning platform that supports pupils’ verbal and non-verbal reasoning, Maths and English as well as preparation for entrance exams into grammar and independent schools.

Click here for Mr Defty’s letter


Mathematics Masterclass

The Cedars School teamed up with the Royal Institute to offer a series of sessions for four of our Year 5 pupils. It was difficult to choose four pupils, as many could have qualified. Miss Bickmore and Miss Chrusciak chose, Zuri, Frank, Jeremy and Aarav and they have enjoyed every session attended to date.

Our Year 5 and 6 classes have applied to be part of a science event via zoom, run jointly by Benjamin Franklin House and the Royal Institute on Wednesday 26 May 2021 (1.30-2.45 p.m. ). It is about the famous scientist Benjamin Franklin and his invention of the glass armonica. The session will be led by Eleanor Hamblen (Education Manager at Benjamin Frankline House), and children will explore sound, and investigate how to invent a musical instrument. Eleanor will answer questions by demonstrating Franklin’s magical instrument and showing you how to make your own music using bottles and water!

There will be a second session led by Dan Plane (Science presenter for the Royal Institution) who will tell stories from the history of electricity. Children will have the opportunity to find out about scientists such as Humphry Davy and Michael Faraday and the discoveries they made. They will explore and experiment with electricity. Dan Plane will answer many questions through live demonstrations featuring surprising sources and uses of electricity from 200 years ago, some of which are still in use today.

I would like to thank The Cedars School for offering us this wonderful opportunity. The School will be relocating to the Virgo Fidelis site in September together with The Laurels. I met with Mr Robert Teague (the Headmaster of The Cedars) and Mrs Linda Sanders (Headmistress of The Laurels) last week to discuss ways we could work together for the benefit of all our pupils and community.


School pond

Another newsfeed to celebrate! We have tadpoles in our school pond. Thanks to the Year 5 team and Mr Navarro, we relocated the school pond last term and our latest members of the school community have joined us. Stay tuned for further developments as they transform into frogs.


Reception storytelling

Reception took part in an online Science storytelling session this week. After listening to stories, they talked about the light sources from the sun and discussed whether or not the moon gave light. They explored shadows in the playground, making different shapes and trying to outrun and hide from their shadows. The children loved the activity although the weather was not as sunny as they would have liked.

Click here for this week’s pictures


Nursery gardening

Nursery have been amazing this week and been incredibly busy, growing their plants and vegetables and taking care of them. I have to say that they are definitely the best class of gardeners in the school. Do take time to watch their video


Sports day

Many parents have asked if the children will be able to participate in our school sport’s day. We hope to have it but will not be able to invite parents/carers in, owing to Covid-19 restrictions. Once we have confirmed the details, they will be shared with you.


Year 6 end of year celebrations

We would like to give our year 6 a memorable farewell to St Joseph’s and are currently working with the pupil leadership team to plan a series of events. My thanks to Mrs Durrie and her team of Y6 parents for organising hoodies and a yearbook. If you would like these items, please go to your parentpay account to pay for them.



Thank you for parking with due care and consideration to everyone, particularly our surrounding neighbours. Unfortunately, someone did not show this same consideration when parking on Tivoli Road causing problems to pedestrians. Please do not mount the kerb as it blocks the pavements and do show courtesy and respect to our neighbours.

Some of you may have heard that there have been some recent incidents in Bromley regarding the reports of attempted abductions of children. The South Area Police suggested that the following link be shared with parents and guardians.

We continue to remind children of the need to be vigilant, particularly if they are walking home alone and try to remain with a friend. We will always contact you if your child is concerned and worried to walk home alone.

I hope to see many of you at the school gate and wish you a happy, hopefully warm, and sunny week ahead.

Mrs L Fernandes



Important dates for your diary

Monday, 17th May 2021 – School Photographs
Please note that advance warning has been given and the date has been up on our website for the last two months.

Monday, 31st May 2021 – Friday, 4th June 2021– Half term / School is closed

Friday, 18th June 2021 – Inset day
School will be closed to children, but staff will be in for professional development training sessions

Thursday, 22nd July 2021 – End of the academic year
Please note that this is a day earlier than previously advertised as the school was open to pupils on Friday, 12th February (it was not used as inset day).