Dear Parents/Carers, Our new newsletter can be found here. We hope you find that you have a better understanding of…
Another busy week and it’s only week 2 of the term. Remote learning has taken off with high levels of pupil engagement through the school. A big thank you to staff for their enthusiasm and commitment to deliver effective remote learning.
We regularly review remote learning to ensure the best experience for everyone. Thank you for your positive comments and suggestions which are useful. I have thoroughly enjoyed dropping into zoom sessions and had the pleasure of reading a story to 1E on Monday. I was so impressed with the children’s engagement and responses.
Thank you for your support and perseverance. At times there will undoubtedly be technical glitches; when this happens, we will do our best to inform you of any changes to planned zoom sessions. Now that sessions are working well, we are looking at using Google Meet as an alternative to Zoom. Should this happen, you will be given advance notice and clear guidance to access it. Professional advice is that Google Meet is more accessible and would work better on older computers and devices.
Should you have any technical problems, kindly email [email protected] and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.
I have to congratulate Blessing in Year 5 for being an excellent teacher to her younger sister, Gracia, in year 1. Mrs Swain was so impressed with the way Blessing helped, so mature and sensible. Well done Blessing, Mrs Swain has awarded you a special Merit certificate
Please remind your child that these are formal teaching sessions and they need to listen carefully. Do ensure that when your child sits down to learn, there is no background noise and they have a quiet place to access the lesson. It is difficult for children to concentrate if there are distractions.
Please do not display your mobile number if you are accessing the lessons via your mobile phone. The chat option should only be used to ask questions about the lesson but not for social conversations as this is distracting. The children have generally been great but some sessions have been difficult to access due to background noise.
Zoom codes are changed daily as an additional security measure. Please do not allow anyone else in your household to log on.
I am sure you are aware of all latest Government updates. We continue to remain open to vulnerable pupils, those with an EHCP and children of critical workers. However, to all parents offered a place in school, I would stress the importance of keeping your child at home if you have alternative arrangements.
If you are a critical worker working from home, you should keep your child at home on the days you are home based.
We continue to provide support for all pupils in receipt of FSM funding. From the start of the pandemic, we decided as a school to issue supermarket vouchers, as opposed to food parcels. We felt that this was the most effective way to support. For a period of time, the school covered the cost of vouchers from our own budget, whilst the Government was deciding about funding. I am proud to say that we always prioritise our children’s wellbeing. Sometimes charities donate dried food and texts are sent to families to inform them.
My thanks to Mr Navarro (School Business Manager) for organising the distribution of vouchers. If you are receiving FSM benefits, please check your emails regularly and your spam / junk box. Many parents have found that the vouchers have been sent and are in this folder. So please do check.
If you are entitled to FSM support and your child is attending school, they will not be eligible for vouchers as they receive lunches in school.
Please note that infant children who receive universal free school meals throughout the year, will not receive a FSM voucher, unless they are receiving FSM funding.
If your financial situation has changed and you think you may now be eligible for FSM status, please contact the office either by calling or emailing them. They will be able to check but will require some personal details.
We have been organising the distribution of devices to support families who do not have access to a device (laptop / tablets). Parents have been contacted and prioritised. We have received some funding but are relying on donations from companies and individuals.
Please do contact the school if you have any devices you would like to donate. Our ICT team will then set them up so we can send them to families in need.
Mrs Gallagher will contact parents who have expressed an interest in buying their own device. We have managed to secure a reduced price should you be interested.
We will always prioritise the safety of children and everyone in our school community. The senior leadership team, together with all staff, monitor attendance on zoom sessions. If we see that children are not attending regularly or turning in work, we will contact you to identify the problem and offer appropriate support.
Leadership and staff will be making calls and if we are unable to contact you, we may arrange a welfare check and liaise with external agencies, to ensure that you are safe and well.
It is crucial that your contact details are up to date. Please contact the office if you have changed your mobile number or email address. We cannot share key information if your details are incorrect; also, if you are eligible for FSM vouchers, the vouchers will only be sent to the email address we have on file for you. Once the vouchers are ordered and sent, they cannot be recalled or redirected to another email address.
Thank you to all the children who have sent photos of their home learning. It is always a pleasure and joy to see the excellent work being completed. I was delighted to email Merit certificates to children in each class as an acknowledgement of their hard work and positive attitude.
Click here to see examples of this week’s home learning
From next week we will be awarding a trophy to the class with the best attendance at zoom sessions and turning in the most pieces of work.
We have an amazing school community and outstanding children who are keen to learn, resilient and a joy. Without a doubt, we will get back to normal at some stage and be able to enjoy all the things we do as a school community. I ask that you continue to keep everyone who is suffering through this pandemic in your prayers.
We would like to get involved with a charity called 52 lives and deliver some of the ideas in school.
Click here for 52 lives’ website
We can all do something simple, like just smile and that smile could make a big difference to a person. Mother Teresa said ‘Not all of us can do great things, but we can all do small things with love’.
I wish you a happy and safe week and do remember that we are here to help and support you with anything you need. All information is dealt with confidentially and sensitively. Please do email me on [email protected]
Mrs L Fernandes
To all staff for their commitment and support
To parents and carers for working hard with your child’s remote learning
Tails from London Zoo
BBC Bitesize
Oaks National Academy