Dear Parents/Carers, Our new newsletter can be found here. We hope you find that you have a better understanding of…
Another week of successes at St Joseph’s with sports day and transition day.
Please click on the links below for pictures of Sports Day. There are so many pictures and we are still waiting on a few more compilations, so if your class is not here, please do not worry – as we get them loaded, we shall update this page.
Congratulations to all the Houses for an excellent effort. It was a close competition with only a difference of 22 points between the first and second-placed teams. At the end of Sports Day, the final results were
Whole school pictures (Part I of II)
Whole school pictures (Part II of II)
Class 1S pictures
Class 1E pictures
Year 2 pictures
Class 3SP pictures
Class 3LJ pictures
Class 4U pictures
A warm welcome to all our new children, parents and carers who joined us for the transition day. It was a pleasure to finally meet you and I look forward to getting to know you. The children settled in well and made an excellent start to life at St Joseph’s.
We are now accepting applications via our website for September 2022. Please do visit it and pass on the information to anyone you know looking for a place for the Autumn Term. Please do book online for open days so we can co-ordinate numbers for the site tours as well as refreshments.
Click here for our admissions page
This was a big success; the children enjoyed meeting their new class teachers and support staff working with them. Our year 2 children fitted into the junior school with ease and were fabulous. The children have brought home our new Parent Handbook together with a welcome letter outlining holiday activities. Please do make time to read it.
You can also click here for an electronic copy of the Parent Handbook
The staff have been brilliant over the past challenging months. They have worked hard to ensure children are supported both academically and emotionally. I have every faith that the new academic year will be a time for us to build on our strengths and look to the future with excitement and a renewed energy.
A big thank you to Mrs Mangan for organising the sports day and to Mr Abraham for supporting her. The weather held out and the children had a fantastic time, enjoying every moment. They displayed great teamwork and encouraged each other enthusiastically, displaying our school values. My thanks to all the staff who came in early to help set up and supported the children on the day.
I know you were disappointed not to be there to cheer your children on and enjoy the day with them, but there will be more events to enjoy in the future, and all being well we will be able to return to a semblance of normal school life in the autumn term.
These meetings will be via zoom. The link was sent out this week so please do book a slot with your child’s teacher if you have not had a chance to do so.
We will be celebrating this special anniversary and festivities will begin in the Autumn term. There will be a number of events where past pupils, families and friends can visit the school and take a walk down memory lane. There will be a Christmas and Summer Fair (June) and a number of other events over the year. Archbishop John Wilson will be celebrating Mass with the school community in April to commemorate our anniversary. So please look out for dates to add to your diary in the autumn term.
150th anniversary celebrations
Kindly settle any outstanding payments for this term and if you have any questions, do contact the office.
The office spends a lot of time dealing with queries relating to school information and events. Please ensure your contact details are up to date. We cannot communicate with you if your details are incorrect. Do read notices, texts and newsletters sent as they are produced to keep you updated.
As you start to think about activities for the weekends and for the upcoming holidays, it may be worth checking out the following options (all of which have been posted as news articles on the school website previously under News).
We are blessed to have such large and extensive grounds at St Joseph’s, which allow us to provide so many after-school activities for our pupils and community. We hope to send you a full list of what would be available as after-school and weekend clubs from September 2021 at St Joseph’s, before the academic year ends in July. As examples, we are in discussions and hope to bring you martial arts, gymnastics, dance, guitar, steel pans as well as both Portuguese and Spanish after-school clubs.
I’m sure many of you will be eagerly awaiting England’s match against Italy on Sunday. It promises to be a great match and good luck to both teams. I appreciate some of the children will want to stay awake to watch the match which will possibly go on until late. As advised by email and text on Friday, school will be open at normal time on Monday. Children may come in by 10.00 a.m. at the latest. If they come in after 10.00 a.m. they will be marked as late.
Mrs L Fernandes
Important dates for your diary
End of academic year – Thursday, 22nd July 2021
Please note that this is a day earlier than previously advertised as the school was open to pupils on Friday, 12th February. It was not used as an inset day.
Diary dates:
12.7.21 – 16.7.21 Parent evenings – Year group dates to be confirmed
14.7.21 – Provisional date for Y6 Leavers Mass – Virgo Fidelis
22.7.21 – End of term 1.30 p.m.
Start of term Monday, 6th September 2021
The above dates are subject to change, depending on safety guidelines and Public Health England advice.