Reading for pleasure at St Joseph’s St Joseph’s has issued every child in the school (as well as every new…
St Joseph’s Y5 and Y6 have won the 2020 Croydon Youth Games Virtual Sportshall Athletics Competition.
We were delighted to see so many of our students involved this event, which included very strong competition from almost a dozen schools in Croydon.
“The children were amazing as they ran these competition themselves from start to finish, organising equipment to be put in and out, measuring, timing, recording and participating. They all worked extremely well together during the activities and showed a maturity beyond their years”
Mrs Mangan (PE Co-ordinator)
The following students achieved particularly strong results and received Congratulations Certificates:
The final school rankings were:
1. St Joseph’s
2. Heavers Farm
3. Park Hill Junior
4. Courtwood
5. Howard
6. Gonville
7. St Aidan’s
8. Gresham
9. Selsdon
10. Winterbourne Junior Girls
11. Old Palace