St Joseph’s top-ranked finish at the 2022 Croydon Primary Athletics

Our athletics team competed at the Croydon finals, held in the Croydon Arena, on 24 June 2022.

I am pleased to say of the 70+ schools (state and independent) present on the day, St Joseph’s did incredibly well.

Our Boys’ team won 3rd place overall and our Girls’ team came 6th place overall!

Well done to all who competed and thank you to the parents and friends who came along to support them.

PlaceOverall BoysOverall Girls
1The Minster JuniorsThe Minster Juniors
2EcclesbourneSt James the Great
3St Joseph'sSelsdon
4Heaver's FarmRoyal Russell
5Regina CoeliOld Palace
6SelsdonSt Joseph's
7Royal RussellHeaver's Farm & Winterbourne Girls (Equal)
8St James the Great-
9Whitehorse Manor, Ridgeway and Robert Fitzroy Academy (Equal)Ecclesbourne