9th February 2023

“Families and friends are the compass that guides us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter.”


Dear Parents and Friends

We’ve finally made it to the end of term, children are still full of energy and enthusiasm, whilst us adults are ready for the break to re-energise for next term.

Wellbeing week

It was great to see so many of you come into school this week to engage in art activities with your children and spend time reading together.  The mosaic crosses for the Stations of the Cross in both schools are looking stunning. It was wonderful to see the effort and attention to detail put into decorating each cross. We will continue to work on the crosses after half term and hope to have them ready in time to display in each hall over Lent. They will be there to represent everyone in our school community.

Year 6’s Assembly – Our year 6 children delivered an important message around ‘Wellbeing’ and engaged the other pupils through questioning and interactive activities.  They shared their ideas about why wellbeing is so important and how everyone can work together to support each other. It was impressive the way the children linked key teachings from different religions and shared how they promote a healthy mindset. Excellent work year 6 and a great way to end the term.

My thanks to Ms Ugbo and Mrs Phillips for organising all the activities this week.

Punctuality and Attendance
Congratulations to all the classes who have won the attendance award over the half term. Our attendance has improved and we are close to exceeding expectations.
After half term any children arriving late will be given a late slip at the gate which must be handed to the class teacher on arrival at the classroom and a late mark added to the register. Late collections at the end of the day will continue to be recorded and the EWO informed where it is persistent.
Thank you to those of you who ensure our children are on time. Children should be in class by 8.45 a.m. apart from Nursery who start at 9.00 a.m.

Celebrating good work and achievements
General Knowledge Quiz

A team of pupils from years 3 to 6 represented the school at the General Knowledge Quiz competition on Tuesday, held at St Aidan’s in Coulsdon. There were lots of teams and I am delighted to announce that St Joseph’s came first and have qualified for the semi-finals. Congratulations to Foma, Diego, Gabriel and Hiyabel for not only being outstanding with your answers, but for working brilliantly as a team and being supportive of each other. We are so proud of you!

‘We are so happy that we came first in the Quiz.  It was all thanks to lots of practice and us working together as a team.  It was fantastic teamwork.  We enjoyed the Quiz and it was lots of fun and so exciting.  We can’t wait for the semi-finals.  Thank you, Ms Allery, for helping us and coming with us to the competition.  We are really proud and happy’  – Foma, Diego, Gabriel & Hiyabel

Netball Competition
Mrs Mangan accompanied our year 6 netball team to a competition at the Laurels School. The standard was high and our children competed enthusiastically in every match, winning, losing and drawing. We came fifth overall out of eleven schools, but our team were pleased with their performance and the support they gave each other. Well done girls for your effort and commitment.

Cross Country
Key Stage 2 pupils participated in the Catholic Cross-Country event where over 11 schools took part. The children were outstanding, showing determination, commitment and above all excellent team work. The course is quite difficult and requires resilience and perseverance and true to form St Joseph’s displayed all these qualities and their behaviour was exemplary.
I am delighted to share that we came third overall with only a few points between 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. I am so proud of our children they are simply the best. Well done!
A big thank you to Mr Abraham, Mrs Luri and Mrs Odewale for accompanying the children and cheering them on. A special thank you has to go to Mrs Mangan for organising the competition and together with Mrs Burgess trained our children and encouraged them to do their best. Our staff and children embody all our school values. Thank you to all the parents and friends who came to support.

Activities for half term

RE Newsletter


‘It is more blessed to give than to receive’ Acts 25:35’

Giving to others
I am sure you will have followed the news about the earthquake in Syria and Turkey. We are all saddened to see the devastation it has caused. Our pupil leaders felt that they wanted to do something to help and spoke to the children in Assembly on Wednesday. They would like to launch an appeal after half term to raise money and ask for donations that can be sent to those in need. They will share details when we return from half term.

We all agreed that one of the most important things we can do is to pray for those suffering, that God will give them strength through this difficult time.

Catholic Children’s Society Lent appeal

This year’s appeal is inspired by Pope Francis’s call to ‘build bridges, not walls’ and find ways to connect and help others in their time of need. Money raised by the school will go towards supporting the work the society does with local disadvantaged children and families.

After half term the children will have a special assembly to launch the appeal and will complete activities that encourage them to explore ways on how to form meaningful connections with others.

Your child will bring home a purple CCS box , the first week after half term. If you are able to support the appeal, please fill the box with any spare coins (British currency) any amount will be greatly appreciated as it all adds up.

For information more about the Catholic Children’s Society please see the website below:
Catholic Children’s Society

This week’s question is…

Thank you to all the children who shared their ideas on last week’s question, ‘How can we help others?’
China (Y4) created a wonderful poster with lots of ideas like ‘smiling at someone, giving someone a hug and simply saying thank you’ Aoife (Reception) drew a picture and wrote a caption encouraging people to give cat food to cats. Both their contributions were so thoughtful and a pleasure to read. Do look at their work on or photo montage.

Sunday Mass Readings for February 12th 2023, sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A

1st Reading    Ecclesiasticus 15:16-21

Responsorial PsalmPsalm 118(119):1-2,4-5,17-18,33-34

2nd Reading1 Corinthians 2:6-10

AlleluiaMatthew 5:17-37

GospelMatthew 5:13-16


Celebrating achievement and hard work Headteacher’s and Attendance Award


Headteachers award

At St Joseph’s we aim for at least 97% attendance.

Year group Merit/star Certificates  Overall Class Attendance
Nursery Freddie and Joella 86.4%
RP Andrew and Malaika 90.7%
RH Aoife and Enrique 93%
1E Nneka and Elhanen 93.2%
2O/1S Maggie and Ibrahim 88.9% / 93.3%
2J Learda and Ruben 94.3%
3S Luna and Azariah 97.9%
3T Foma and Andrew 93.8%
4J Jonathan and Joy 97.5%
4O Doretta and Isaque 98.1%
5S Sophia I and Michael 83.8%
5E Lara and Yashash 91.8%
6P Ricardo and Kanayya 82.9%
6H  Ishan and Pison 95.7%

Congratulations to the following classes for the highest attendance this week

Class  2J and 4O

Mrs Fernandes


This week’s photo montage

Diary Dates

10.02.23 –  INSET DAY (staff training) – SCHOOL CLOSED TO PUPILS

Half Term – 13.02.23 – 17.02.23

 Spring 2 Term

24.02.23 – Spoken word competition – Years 1-6

21.02.23 – Shrove Tuesday

                  Pancake race before school

                  PTA pancake sale (3.00 – 4.00 p.m.)

22.02.23 – Ash Wednesday (start of Lent) ashes will be distributed in school

27.02.23  – BOOK WEEK

27.02.23  – Dance workshops in school

28.02.23  – Dance workshops in school

01.03.23  – Secondary schools offer day

02.03.23  – World Book day

03.03.23 – 1E class assembly at 2.15pm

03.03.23 – 5S Assembly at 9.15am

06.03.23  –  17.03.23   Careers Fair

08.03.23  –  International Women’s day

09.03.23 – 2O/1S Assembly 9.15am

10.03.23 – Year 4 Assembly 9.15am

16.03.23 Reception Assembly 9.15am

21.03.23  –  Panathlon competition

21.03.23  –  Y5/Y6 Hockey tournament (Trinity)

23.03.23  –  Wellbeing day

23.03.23  – 3S Assembly 9.15am

28.03.23  – 3T Assembly 9.15am

29.03.23  –  St Joseph’s Enterprise Fair

30.3.23    –  Royal Opera House – Cinderella (KS1)