5th May 2023

Dear Parents and Friends

Year 6 have been fantastic this week revising for their KS2 SATS tests next week.  They are focused and understandably a little nervous, but I have every confidence that they will do their best and make us proud.  Please do keep them in your prayers as it is a milestone in their lives.

My thanks to the Year 6 team and to all the staff who have helped to prepare them for the tests.

3T’s Assembly

Today started with 3T leading an Assembly all about the King’s Coronation.  The children shared important information and many interesting facts related to this momentous occasion.  Excellent work 3T, you read beautifully and your team work and support of each other was outstanding. It was the perfect way to being our day of celebrations.

Coronation Picnic – Friday, 5th May 2023 1.30 p.m. – 3.00 p.m.

Thank you for supporting our Coronation Picnic today and to the PTA for organising the sale of merchandise cakes and refreshments.  The children were fabulous and contributed to the party atmosphere.  The choir sang beautifully, the perfect way to end  a wonderful afternoon. It was so positive to see so many parents and friends attend.

Thank you to those of you who entered the ‘Coronation Bake off’ competition.  The standard was high and judging it was certainly not an easy task.  We enjoyed sampling all bakes, well done to all the entrants.  The winning entries were:

1st Place Luca

2nd Place Jemima and Naomi

3rd Place Siem

Crown competition

Well done to everyone who entered this competition.  The crowns were very individual and creative, very impressive!  Congratulations to Kanayya in year 6 who was overall winner!


Well done to our Y5 and Y6 boys football team for winning their semi-final match on Thursday.

They beat St Cyprians 4-1 .This means we are through to the of Croydon Schools FA League final due to be played at Royal Russell School towards the end of May.  Details to follow.

Well done boys, not just for winning but for displaying good sportsmanship and great team work.  My thanks to Mr Abrahams for coaching our team. The boys have done unbelievably well all season and have just one more game to put the cherry on top of the cake.

Marian Procession – Friday, 12th May

Please remember to send in flowers with your child for our Marian procession on the 12th May.  It will begin at 2.00 p.m.  All year groups will gather together and process around the field carrying flowers to lay before Mary’s statue.  Two year 2 pupils then crown our Lady’s statue with a crown of flowers.  This is to honour Mary as part of our celebration of May as it is the month of the Rosary.

Mother and Baby/Toddler group – Tuesday 9.30 – 11.30 a.m. (Garden Hall)

Our Parent Champions are doing an excellent job and feedback is that parents/carers enjoy the sessions.  Do feel free to attend, there is no charge but we can promise you a morning of fun, laughter and great support. Stay and Play at St Joseph’s

Nursery & Reception phonic videos

Please do login to your child’s Google Classroom to access videos to support your child with phonics. This is a valuable resource and videos will be uploaded every Friday.  Every parent/carer should have login details.  Do please speak to your class teacher if you have any questions.

Flipout Activity Center – Croydon

If you are looking for somewhere to take the children to, do look at the attached flyer from Flipout in Croydon.  They are kindly offering St Joseph’s a discount for session. Flip Out Croydon discount code in the flyer

RE Newsletter


Hail Mary full of Grace, the Lord is with thee.

Blessed are thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus.

Holy Mary Mother of God,

pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death



Mass Readings  for Sunday

Sunday Mass Readings for May 7th 2023, 5th Sunday of Easter, Year A

1st Reading                                    Acts 6, 1-7

Responsorial Psalm                       Psalms 33: 1-2, 4-5, 18-19

2nd Reading                                   Peter 2:4-9

Allelluia                                          Luke 2:32

Gospel                                            Luke 14

Headteachers award


Merit Certificates:

 At St Joseph’s we aim for at least 97% attendance. 

Year group  Merit Certificates  Overall Class Attendance
Nursery   Jazmine and Lorenzo  88%
RH  Ryan and Sofia  94%
RP  Ava and Charlotte  92%
1E Ava-Marie and Mimi  90%
1S /2O Oscar and Sophie  92%/90%
2J  Isaac and Sebastian  95%
3S Tega and Samira  96%
3T Veronica and Danielle  94%
4J Nyah-Rose and Ayelen  95%
4O Storm and Erin  96%
5S Cherifa and Riley  95%
5E Ariana and Nabiel  94%
6P Whole Class  95%
6H  Whole Class  96%


Congratulations to the following classes for the highest attendance this week

Classes 3S, 4O and 6H

Mrs Fernandes


This week’s photo montage
Future Dates
12.05.23 – Marian Procession 2.00 p.m. (All welcome)

15.05.23 – Class Photographs

15.05.23 –  Parents’ meeting about Y1 Phonics Screening check 8.45 a.m.& 2.45 p.m.

15.05.23 – Science Week

18.05.23 – Y3 trip to Science Museum

18.04.23 – Y4 trip to Chislehurst caves

18.05.23 – Y5 trip to London Zoo

19.05.23 – 5S Assembly 9.15 a.m. (All welcome)

22.05.23 – Focused week on ‘Keeping healthy’

25.05.23 – KS2  Disco (run by Y5 as part of their Enterprise project)

26.05.23 – School Games Day a.m.)


Summer 2 Term

07.06.23 –  9.15 a.m. New Reception parents meeting

07.06.23 – 10.30 a.m. New Nursery parents meeting

12.06.23 – 16.02.23 – Phonics screening

12.06.23 – 16.06.23 – Y4 Multiplication Tables Check

15.06.23 – 2J Assembly 9.15 a.m. (All welcome)

23.06.23 – Year 4  9.15 a.m. (All welcome) – Please note this is a revised date

22.06.23 – 2O/1S Assembly 9.15 a.m. (All welcome)

24.06.23 – Colour Run (PTA event)

28.6.23 –   1E  Assembly 9.15 a.m. (All welcome)

30.6.23 – – 3S Assembly 9.15 a.m. (All welcome)

03.07.23 – General Knowledge Quiz final (Oxford University)

07.07.23 – 5E Assembly 9.15 a.m. (All welcome)

11.07.23 – Nursery Assembly 9.15 a.m. (All welcome)

12.07.23 – Thanksgiving Mass 1.30 p.m. Virgo Fidelis Church 1.30 p.m. (All welcome)

13.07.23 – Reception Assembly (All welcome)

14.07.23 – Year 2 Farewell Assembly 9.15 a.m. (All welcome)