Dear Parents/Carers, Our new newsletter can be found here. We hope you find that you have a better understanding of…
We’ve made it to the end of the spring term, the sun has been shining on us this week and the children have been busy preparing for Easter.
My thanks to Father Anthony for his prayers and blessings. The children took part in year group stations of the cross which with pupils reading, acting and offering up Easter prayers and intentions. Today, we came together in the infant and junior playgrounds to end the term with an assembly, led by Year 2 in the infants and our Pupil Leadership team in the junior school. It was a wonderful celebration and even though all classes had to maintain social distancing, there was a real sense of unity and community spirit.
I would like to thank the staff for their hard work over the spring term and to the senior leadership team who have committed so much of their own time out of school hours.
Our school Governors have been supportive and maintained close contact with us via zoom, sending messages to children and staff. I would like to especially thank Mrs Bailey (Chair of Governors) who has given generously of her time to support our school community. Her input has been invaluable and greatly appreciated. I also would like to welcome to the Governing Body, our two new Parent Governors, Mrs Yee Jin and Miss Francis.
Last of all, I would like to thank the most important people in our school…..our children. I am so proud of you and the resilience and positivity you have shown in returning to school. You are truly amazing and a credit to us and we know you are going to continue to be awesome and thrive.
Thank you, parents and carers, for working with the school and supporting your children, your comments and encouragement is appreciated.
I wish you all a very happy Easter and a restful holiday. Let’s hope the sun continues to shine and I look forward to welcoming you all back on Monday, 19th April 2021 to enjoy the summer term.
Mrs L Fernandes