Dear Parents/Carers, Our new newsletter can be found here. We hope you find that you have a better understanding of…
This week has seen children across the school enthusiastically engage in scientific experiments to further develop their knowledge and scientific skills.
My thanks to Mrs Steen-Plomer, our Science Lead for organising science week. Despite restrictions in place owing to the current pandemic, St Joseph’s engaged in a fun-filled week, inspiring children to investigate ideas, predict outcomes and explain their conclusions. Do take a look at the pictures showing some of the highlights.
Nursery pictures
Reception pictures
Y1-Y6 pictures
More importantly, talk to your child about their learning and encourage them to try out some of the activities from the links. It could inspire them to think about future careers in science!
Click here for the link to the Royal Institution
Click here for the link to Stemmettes, promoting opportunities for girls in science and technology
“Curiosity is the ability to seek and acquire new knowledge, skills, and ways of understanding the world. It is at the heart of what motivates young people to learn and what keeps them learning throughout their lives”
Thank you to everyone who attended the PTA AGM via zoom; we had 28 people attending and keen to be involved. Donna Durie (Chair of the PTA) presented details of how the PTA have supported the children and the school over the current and past academic year. It is amazing how well they have done despite the challenges of being in a pandemic. A big thank you.
Looking forward to the summer term, there are plans for a family quiz night via zoom, a virtual zoo in school, and other end of year activities.
The PTA have begun to look into holding a Fireworks night on Thursday, 4th November 2021. The fireworks display would be managed by a professional company with previous experiencing of hosting displays. It would be amazing to hold our first Fireworks evening at St Joseph’s, bringing the school and local community together. However, this can only happen if we have lots of parents/carers volunteering to help.
This is an effective way to raise funds. All you need to do is to sign up to have a board outside your house / flat. It will promote a school event whilst advertising the local estate agent. The PTA will receive £15 for every board. Our aim is to get at least 100 people to sign up. So please do promote it with your friends and relatives.
Click here to sign up for an estate agent board
The PTA are working closely with the school to support the development of music so this will be the main focus for their fundraising. They have kindly agreed to fund the purchase of steel pans which will mean that children will be able to start lesson in the Autumn term. This is an exciting opportunity and would enhance our current music provision. Mrs Gallaher (DHT/Music Lead) started up our school choir, prior to lockdown. It was popular and our children were enthusiastic and keen to perform. Once current restrictions have been lifted, the choir will be back in action, hopefully in the summer term. It would be wonderful to end our year with a celebration led by our school choir.
My thanks to all the PTA members who have committed their time over the years and continue to do so and to everyone who attended the AGM on Thursday evening. I was delighted to see many new members, keen to be involved with some great ideas. The future is looking bright!
Please do not worry if you were unable to attend, you can join at anytime and your help and support is welcome. Do email the PTA on [email protected] with your details and someone will get back to you.
I am delighted that St Joseph’s have been offered the opportunity to be involved in a Sustainability Project run by the Palace for Life Foundation.
The Foundation have invited all pupils to take part in a sustainability competition and compete with others in a Planet sustainability League.
Click here for the Foundation’s letter with details on how to register
Time is short so don’t delay and register as soon as possible, the competition starts on Saturday, 27th March.
I appreciate it has been difficult to buy uniform but our suppliers have assured us they do have plenty of stock. Please contact them if you wish to purchase items.
Click here for details of our uniform and link to our suppliers, Schoolwear United
Please remember that children should not be wearing boots or trainers to school. Trainers may only be worn on PE days when children should continue to come in wearing their school PE Kit and tracksuit.
Thanks to your kind donations of plants, bulbs and seeds, our outdoor areas are starting to flourish. The children are enjoying taking charge of these areas and I am sure their efforts will come to fruition over the next weeks.
My thanks to Alleyn Park Garden Centre for donating plants for our new Infant garden, adjacent to the Infant playground.
Football club will resume after Easter for Year 5 and a multi-sports outdoor club for Year 2. These will be run by Coach Lutchman from Palace for Life Foundation. Places are limited, so if you would like to a place, please make payment via Parent Pay by 9 April 2021.
Please could you ensure all outstanding payments are cleared before the end of term. It is not fair on other students and their families who are paying for meals to subsidise your debt. If you think you are eligible for Free School Meals, please let the office know as soon as possible so we can confirm with the Local Authority. Thank you.
St Joseph’s is one of the very few schools in Croydon offering a free Easter club for selected students in the second week for four hours a day from Monday to Thursday. The Department for Education are generously part-funding this initiative with the school subsiding the balance.
This Sunday is Palm Sunday and the start of Holy Week. Children will be taking part in special assemblies and the stations of the cross. Children in KS2 will be attending Reconciliation services with Fr. Anthony. Easter is a special time of the year in our Liturgical calendar and it is important that children understand the importance of it.
This has been another busy week and the children are settled and happy to be back to routines and school life. Classes observed a minute silence on the 23rd March as part of remembering those who lost their lives to Covid-19 and those affected by the pandemic. Mr Defty, our new Assistant Headteacher joined us for two days this week and had the opportunity to spend time with the children and meet parents. We look forward to having him join our team after Easter.
We have come through difficult times but remained a strong school community. We have to look to the future with the knowledge that we will get back to normality but with a greater sense of responsibility towards each other and an appreciation of the positive things we have in our life.
Please remember that school finishes next Wednesday, 31st March 2021. Collection times will be as normal
Mrs L Fernandes