Dear Parents/Carers, Our new newsletter can be found here. We hope you find that you have a better understanding of…
A full-on week but one we hope the children enjoyed.
A big thank you to all the staff for covering absences this week. It has been busy but staff have been brilliant and pulled together to minimise disruption to the children and ensure quality learning continues to take place.
It’s great to see the sun shining and without a doubt, it raises everyone’s spirits after a very long and dreary winter. Please note that children may wear their summer uniforms when we return after the Easter break. It is important that all children wear the correct uniform. I understand our uniform suppliers did not have school coats, but hopefully, that has been resolved. All children must wear the school coat and PE kits and trainers should only be worn on P.E. days.
My thanks to Mr Defty for organising an array of guest speakers this week. Children listened attentively, asking interesting and astute questions. There were fascinating discussions around the skill sets needed to enter into different professions. It was wonderful to see so many of our parents address the children. I have to say it’s been a busy but productive week and it has ignited interest across the school.
We were delighted to welcome back Tosin and Dolapo Awoyinka who visited our school two years ago. One of the best questions this week was when Kanayya in year 5 asked them about reading and what their favourite book is. This shows how reading for pleasure has become such a feature in our school.
Today two investment bankers talked to us about their jobs and shared with us information about themselves when they were children and growing up. I found it really interesting when they spoke about their jobs and how they got to where they are today. Children asked lots of questions, and I couldn’t help but ask what their favourite book was when they were younger. I was amazed because some of the books mentioned were the same ones I read now! – Kannayya
We will be holding an Open Morning on Wednesday, 30 March 2022 to give parents a chance to view the school. A letter was sent to every parent who has applied to the school for September, encouraging them to come and visit prior to receiving offers of places in April. So please do pass on these details to anyone who may not have applied to the school but would like to visit.
We are holding a SATS meeting for Y6 parents on Monday, 28th March 2022 at 8.15 a.m. and 3.30 p.m. in the Junior Hall. You do not need to attend both meetings as the information shared will be the same. I would encourage you to attend as key dates and information will be shared, together with how you can help prepare your child.
A select group pupils from Years 5 and 6 had a fun day out on Thursday, 24 March competing in the Hockey competition and Panathlon games, which were held at Trinity School.
Our thanks to all the staff who helped make this a special day for our pupils: Mrs Mangan, Mrs Langford-Jackson, Mrs Marshall, Mrs Freitas and especially Mr McEvoy for driving the minibus.
Thank you to the parents who used our School App when prompted to confirm permission for these trips – going forward all the school trip permissions will be electronic so please make sure you know to login, and are familiar with, using the app.
We will be running booster sessions for year 6 pupils during the first week of the Easter holidays. Sessions will start on Monday, 4th April and run until Friday, 8th April from 9.00 a.m. until 12.00 p.m.
Click here if you would like your child to attend
It is important that your child attends daily for a prompt 9.00 a.m. start and is collected no later than 12.00 p.m. Staff will deliver focused reading and maths sessions to help prepare the children for their forthcoming KS2 SATS.
Places are still available in our holiday provision over the Easter holidays, so if you have not already, please do sign-up as we have only a limited number of places. The camp is being held 4 – 7 April 2022, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Children will be provided with a healthy and nutritious lunch. Activities will include arts & crafts as well as a trip to the local parks and playgrounds.
FSM-eligible pupils can attend for free; fee-paying places are £20 per day.
The registration forms are available on the website here
Please download, complete the form and email it to Mrs Odewale (details are on the link above) as soon as possible as places are limited.
Please remember that the deadline to sign up for after-school, lunchtime and Saturday clubs for the Summer Term is 31 March 2022. Please go to your ParentPay account to choose a club and pay for it.
Click below for the letter for weekday clubs
Click below for the letter for Saturday gymnastics
Both were also posted on the School App.
Please see the attached flyer for information about the Crazy Hare Parade on 31 March 2022.
They have very kindly arranged for all the children to have an Easter treat which will be given out on the 31st March 2022. Do encourage your child to be creative and join in the activity.
As you know Mrs Miscia will be leaving the school on Thursday, 31st March to take up a position as a class teacher in a school near to where she lives. She has been with the school since 2016 and taught in both KS1 and KS2.
I would like to thank her for her hard work in helping children in her class to achieve their potential. I know her class are sad to see her go, but I am sure she will keep in touch and return to visit.
Thank you Mrs Miscia for everything you have done for the school.
On a final note, please remember that school ends at 1.15 p.m. on Friday so please do not be late to pick up your children.
Have a wonderful week and I look forward to seeing you over the next few days.
Click here for this week’s photo montage
Mrs L Fernandes
1st half of Summer Term