Dear Parents/Carers, Our new newsletter can be found here. We hope you find that you have a better understanding of…
We’ve finally made it to the end of the term and can look forward to hopefully a sunny happy summer break!
It is an understatement to say it has been a challenging and eventful year, but with all sincerity, I can say it has been a successful year that has brought our school community together. The children have epitomised resilience (they will tell you this is my favourite word) and brought smiles to our faces through some difficult moments.
Congratulations to all parents and carers for coping admirably with remote learning and to all the staff for successfully delivering live lessons through zoom. Staff engaged in CPD to upskill their technical skills and the school continued to maintain personal contact with all our pupils and families.
I’m proud of the pastoral care we offer and can sincerely say that we have managed to reach out to all families particularly those in most need of our help.
We were the only school in Croydon to offer Easter holiday provision for FSM pupils and others who we felt would benefit from attending. Families received supermarket vouchers throughout the year and school supported those experiencing difficulties. I am proud to say we continued to remain open from 20th March 2020 for our key worker children and those in need of support through every national lockdown.
This summer is no exception; we continue to offer children the opportunity to attend a Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) summer camp at our Junior site and subsidise families who may need help. Staff came together to organise and make up food hampers and activity bags for all our FSM pupils and others in need of support, thanks to funding that Mr Navarro successfully applied for, and the school income from weekend lettings. It is and always will be about providing the best for our children. My thanks to the Leadership team for organising this and to all staff for giving up time to put make up the hampers. Please do collect your hamper if you haven’t had a chance to. School will be open until 1.00 p.m. if you would like to collect it tomorrow – Friday, 23rd July 2021
“Our vision is based on a strong moral purpose.”
We will always place the children at the centre of what we do. Thank you, parents and carers, for supporting us this year and for your many positive comments. There is a famous African proverb “It takes a village to raise a child”, which means that an entire community of people need to interact positively with children for those children to experience and grow and be safe and healthy.
We will always do our best for our children and whilst we may not always please everyone, we are reassured and take comfort in the knowledge that the wellbeing, safety and success of our children come first and informs our decisions.
This week, we awarded children from Years 5 and 6 a ‘Reading and Writing’ prize for excellent progress and attitude in English. They each received a signed copy of the new book ‘Twitch’ by M. G. Leonard and were given the fantastic opportunity to have a personal meeting with her yesterday.
M.G. Leonard was funny and charismatic, relishing the opportunity to answer St Joseph’s questions and speak to her audience directly. The children asked brilliant questions such as “How do you think someone could be an author if they are feeling a bit shy?”, “How do you create the names of your characters?” and “Have your childhood experiences impacted what you write about now as an author?”.
M.G. Leonard was very impressed with our children’s questions and their aspirations to be best-selling authors too. Perhaps Josh, Lula, Daviedan, Tobias, Aishat, Jasmine, Blessing, Vanessa, Aarav, Zuri, Awa or David will be topping the Time’s Best-sellers list soon! Congratulations to China for being one of our youngest readers to be awarded the prize for excellent work in English.
Before I end my newsletter, I would like to like to wish our year 6 success for the future. They have been fantastic and enjoyed every moment of their celebrations this week. Thank you, year 6 for being positive and though you have missed out on trips, end of year performances and festivities, you have still managed to enjoy your last weeks with us. The leavers Mass last Wednesday was beautiful. The children led the readings and were fully involved and participated respectfully with great reverence.
We had a chance to say thank you and farewell to Mrs Hardy who will be retiring at the end of the term. She has been with the school for over 25 years and has been committed to the children. We wish her all the best and know she will return to help with trips and other school events.
I would like to thank everyone in our school community, parents, governors and staff who have worked tirelessly to keep learning going through some challenging times.
Most of all I would like to thank you children for always making me smile and laugh particularly when things are hard. You are the reason why I do my job.
I wish you all a restful summer break and on behalf of all the staff, I would like to thank you for your good wishes, cards, gifts and most of all your prayers. Thank you for your kindness and appreciation.
Enjoy time together and please encourage your child to keep reading over the summer holidays.
Children: remember to write a letter/postcard to your new class teacher telling them about your holiday and what you are looking forward to in September. It will be a wonderful welcome back in September to read your letters. Please post them to St Joseph’s Junior School, Woodend, London, SE19 3NU.
Please see below some important dates for your diary. One of the most exciting events is the launch of our Parent/Toddler group in the Garden Hall on Tuesday, 14th September from 9.30 to 1.00 a.m. Please spread the word to your friends and neighbours. This is just the start, we are hoping to move towards meeting at least three times a week and eventually every day. Look out for details when we return.
Do read the attached letter with important information for the start of term, our uniform list and term dates. Start of term Monday, 6th September 2021 at 8.45 p.m. Nursery begins the later in the week – Wednesday 8th September 2021.
Click here for the end of term letter
Click here for the after-school club survey
Please see below a number of links for activities, clubs and other ideas for you and your children this summer. There is something for everyone.
Young artists exhibition (Royal Academy of Arts)Summer reading challenge
Surrey Cricket – Free Camps during AugustFirst Ball Cricket Academy – Camps during August
Addington Golf Academy – Camps during August
Camp All Stars (based in the Infants School)
Better Leisure Centres (Summer activities)
Please see below links to this week’s pictures
2020/21 in pictures
At the school gates today (22 July 2021)
Mrs L Fernandes
Important dates for your diary
Autumn Term 2021
06.09.21 – Return to school
07.09.21 – Y6 secondary transfer meeting – 8.30 a.m. & 5.00 p.m.
09.09.21 – Y3 curriculum meeting
13.09.21 – 15.9.21 – Y6 Residential trip to Sayers Croft
14.09.21 – Parent/toddler group – Garden Hall 9.30 – 11.00 a.m.
16.09.21 – Y4 curriculum meeting 4.00 p.m.
16.09.21 – Y5 curriculum meeting 5.00 p.m.
21.09.21 – Clubs begin
21.09.21 – Reception parents’ curriculum meeting 5.00 p.m.
22.09.21 – Year 2 curriculum evening 4.00 p.m.
22.09.21 – Year 1 curriculum evening 5.00 p.m.
24.09.21 – Alumni event for 150th anniversary
29.09.21 – Celebration Mass for children making their 1st Holy Communion
30.09.21 – Nursery curriculum evening 5.00 p.m.
04.10.21 – 22.10.21 – ‘Our Heritage’ month
25.10.21 – 29.10.21 – Half term week
01.11.21 – 2nd Half of Autumn Term begins
03.11.21 – St Joseph’s Firework Display – 6.00 p.m. start