15 July 2022

WEATHER ALERT – Extreme Heat Precautions

I am sure you will be aware, we are expecting extreme heat on Monday & Tuesday. Therefore we will be altering our timetables and playtime routines to ensure children are protected from conditions as much as we can. Schools are not being advised to close but we will be taking extra precautions to ensure children remain safe and cool.

This will include shorter break times, using the shaded areas and indoor spaces for Early Years and Infant children.

Please ensure the following:

  • Your child must wear their PE kit on Monday and Tuesday
  • Pupils need to have sun-screen applied before coming to school. As stated, we will be minimising time spent outside. However, there will be some outside time
  • Pupils MUST have a hat at school. Ideally it should be a St Joseph’s hat. However, considering the conditions, other hats will be acceptable. The best hats are broad-brimmed ones that cover the ears and neck.
  • Children MUST come to school with a water bottle. They will be encouraged to drink throughout the day and top-up when necessary.

Further precautions to be taken:

  • Children will not be taking part in PE lessons or any other vigorous activity outside.
  • Rooms will be ventilated and fans used in classrooms and other communal areas
  • Windows should be closed when the outdoor air becomes warmer than the air indoors this should help keep the heat out while allowing adequate ventilation. Indoor blinds or curtains can be closed where possible but should not block ventilation
  • Electric lighting will be kept to a minimum

Here are the signs of heat-related medical conditions in children

Children may seem out of character and show signs of discomfort and irritability. These signs can include those listed below for heat exhaustion and will worsen if left untreated leading to heat exhaustion and/or heatstroke.

The signs of heat exhaustion include:

  • a headache
  • dizziness and confusion
  • loss of appetite and feeling sick
  • excessive sweating and pale, clammy skin
  • cramps in the arms, legs and stomach
  • fast breathing or pulse
  • a high temperature of 38C or above
  • being very thirsty

The symptoms are often the same in adults and children, although children may become floppy and sleepy.

If someone is showing signs of heat exhaustion, they need to be cooled down.

Signs of heatstroke include:

  • high body temperature – a temperature of or above 40°C (104°F) is a major sign of heatstroke
  • red, hot skin and sweating that then suddenly stops
  • fast heartbeat
  • fast shallow breathing
  • confusion / lack of co-ordination
  • fits
  • loss of consciousness

If a child is suffering from heat-related illness these are the steps you should take

  1. Move the child to as cool a room as possible and encourage them to drink cool water (such as water from a cold tap)
  2. Cool the child as rapidly as possible, using whatever methods you can. For example, sponge or spray the child with cool (25 to 30°C) water – if available, place cold packs around the neck and armpits, or wrap the child in a cool, wet sheet and assist cooling with a fan
  3. Dial 999 to request an ambulance if the person doesn’t respond to the above treatment within 30 minutes

As with any concern about a child’s health, schools will have their own policies around contacting parents and guardians and these should be followed.


One more week to go!

We’re almost to the end of term and the children continue to be full of energy and enthusiasm. The transition day on Thursday went well and the children had the opportunity to spend the day with their new class teacher and TA. They engaged positively and enjoyed the experience.

Click here for a letter regarding Transition

Feedback from staff was very positive and year 2 settled in beautifully into the junior classes.

A particular mention must go to all the pupils in Years 1 and 2 for being particularly brilliant and positive about their new classes. As from September, we will have an Infant Head boy, Head girl and Deputy Head boy and girl, together with House Captains who will be chosen from Year 2. Children will be asked to write a short letter about why they would like to hold one of these positions and an idea about what they would do to improve the Infant School.

It was a pleasure to welcome new families at our Nursery and Reception transition day. My thanks to Mel and Katherine from the PTA for organising refreshments and spending time with our new families.


Year 6 residential trip to PGL

My thanks to Mr Defty for organising this event and to the staff who gave up their weekend to accompany the children. It was so much of fun and a joy to see all the children having a great time and ‘finding their brave’ on some challenging activities.


Reception, Year 2 and 4J’s assemblies

We have enjoyed assemblies from Reception, Year 2 and 4J, each one celebrating the achievements of all the children over the past year. Reception were amazing, reading and speaking with confidence and celebrating their work with music. Year 2 looked back over their year and reminded us about turning to each other when we need help or cheering up and read their own poems about feelings.

Year 4 talked about friendship and always being a light in others’ lives to bring them happiness. They too read with confidence and sang ‘Three Little Birds’ by Bob Marley, reminding us, to ‘Don’t worry about a thing ‘cause everything’s gonna be alright’.
Messages from the assemblies and children’s singing made everyone smile and feel good.
Thank you, children, you were fantastic!


Y5 Entrepreneurs

Year 5 organised a Junior disco which was well attended. They had a professional DJ, games, stalls and other activities to keep children engaged. Everyone had a great time and Year 5 made a huge profit.


Dan the skipping man

Mrs Mangan wanted to let you all know about a completely free resource on skipping from ‘Dan the Skipping Man’. It’s completely free to use and contains a wealth of content, including videos on tricks, skills and lots of tutorials. You can access all our resources by simply visiting his skipping hub, where you will also find lots of content on National School Sports Week in our News and Resources section.

Remember that all pupils in school were given a skipping rope by Santa (helped by the PTA) during COVID.

Click here for the Youtube channel


Thank you to the PTA

Thanks to the PTA’s generosity all year groups will be treated to a bouncy castle on Wednesday. Predicted temperatures will be cooler on the Wednesday and children will be encouraged to keep cool and hydrated.

Mrs Speight will be using the digital piano donated to the school by the PTA. It is mobile, so I am delighted that children in both the infants and the Juniors will be able to enjoy it.


Thanksgiving and farewell Mass for year 6

All parents, carers and friends are invited to our end-of-year Mass to be held at Virgo Fidelis Church on Monday, 18th July 2022 at 5.30 p.m. It is a chance to come together as a school community to celebrate our school and say goodbye to Year 6 and all those leaving this year. We have invited past staff and Alumni to the Mass, which will be followed by light refreshments in the Infant Hall. I do hope you will be able to attend.

Click here for the invitation and to RSVP your attendance

Remember: the end of term is Friday, 22nd July 2022 at 1.15 P.M.

This week’s photo montage

Mrs Fernandes